@Ron_C So am I. Let’s join up and create a party. Maybe we could call it the Prodelirep Party.
I like the personal responsibility message of Republicans, but wish they would apply it to themselves, not just others. Every single thing they foul up, they blame on Democrats. Even when they control all 3 branches of government, everything that goes wrong is someone else’s fault.
I like the social attitudes of libertarians and Democrats. Live and let live. Your right to swing your fist stops at my nose. But the extremes of this can lead to a society that is too permissive and holds nobody personally accountable. I guess here I am center left.
Fiscally, I am somewhat conservative, but really hard to pin down to a niche. I would slash corporate taxes. The US corporate tax rate is among the highest in the world, and that drives jobs offshore. Besides, corporate taxes just get tacked on to cost of goods and are ultimately paid by the consumer. That said, I would eliminate all the tax loopholes that let huge multinational businesses offshore all their profit centers and rake in billions per quarter without paying any taxes at all. You want to do business in the USA, pay your fair share in the USA. Letting huge multinationals dodge taxes while small and mid-sized businesses can’t afford to makes for unfair competition. It handicaps the very sector of our economy that generates most of our new jobs.
I would also increase the tax rate on net earnings (after deductions) of more than $500,000 per year. Reagan slashed the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. Before that, we were slowly retiring the debt of WWII and the Great Depression. Immediately after Reganomics came in, the National Debt began to skyrocket. Reagan is the only president in US history to ever have tripled the US national debt. Also, in the last 30 years, the real earnings (adjusted for inflation) of the bottom 60% of American earners has decreased. The next 30%, the upper middle class, has just barely held their own. The top 10% have profited and the top 1/10th of 1% have seen their holdings of America’s total wealth skyrocket. Our current tax structure is a blueprint for the slow but certain conversion of America into a banana republic.
I suppose we could balance the budget without a tax increase by eliminating Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all welfare. I don’t favor that. I think a return to Dickensian England with its poverty, misery and workhouses would be a singularly bad idea. Also, throwing tens of millions of additional people into abject poverty when the economy is still on the brink of collapse would be extremely penny wise and pound foolish. It may resonate with the “I’ve got mine…” crowd, but those same people who vote consistently to cut everyone else off so they can get more for themselves are the ones who will immediately grab torches and pitchforks and pour into the streets when their own finances are impacted. And the Depression their austerity-for-all-but-the-rich program would provoke would definitely impact their finances. Most of them are not actually wealthy, just hoodwinked by a few who yearn for an oligarchy.
So, that’s my politics. Is there a name for that platform?