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john65pennington's avatar

Is using a nuclear weapon the only way to stop the oil spill in the Gulf?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) June 29th, 2010

I heard this being passed around today on a talk radio show in Nashville. its been 71 days and the oil continues to flow. is using a nuclear device maybe the only possible way to stop the oil leak situation? nothing else seems to work.

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15 Answers

Seek's avatar

There are several plans in the works. They’re currently working on drilling a relief well. This takes time. They are drilling 2½ miles below sea level. It doesn’t happen overnight.

Let’s see how the realistic solutions work before you go nuking our ecosystem out of existence.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I don’t think a nuke is needed. You can pack enough conventional explosives into a properly drilled relief hole to collapse the bore of the leaking pipe. The problem is no one has done it under 5000 ft of water before.

And if you don’t get the charge placed correctly, you risk rupturing the well even more, which would make the current leak seem like a drop in the bucket.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

So, the solution to stopping oil from continuing to contaminate the Gulf of Mexico and to make the situation better is to contaminate it with nuclear radiation? I guess I missed that day in science class.

Iclamae's avatar

There are so many things wrong with the use of a nuke on that leak, that NO it is not the only way.

(How would the radioactivity affect the rest of the oil underneath and the marine ecosystem? That question alone…)

Seaofclouds's avatar

Using a nuke is a horrible idea. I really hope no one ever seriously considers it an option.

augustlan's avatar

I find this highly unlikely.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Using a nuke is not an unprecedented idea. The Soviet Union used them on at least 5 occasions to attempt to close uncontrolled blowouts, 4 times successfully. But those blowouts were on land and not underwater.

Iclamae's avatar

@WestRiverrat (I don’t suppose you have some website about that? I’m kind of curious what kind of nukes they were and if they affected the soil afterwards)

XOIIO's avatar


Horrible idea.

@WestRiverrat How are they blocked?

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Only a lunatic right-wing hawk or a mad General from the Pentagram(sic) would seriously advocate such a plan.

augustlan's avatar

From @phaedryx‘s link:

Stephanie Mueller, a spokeswoman for the Energy Department, said that neither Energy Secretary Steven Chu nor anyone else was thinking about a nuclear blast under the gulf. The nuclear option was not — and never had been — on the table, federal officials said.

“It’s crazy,” one senior official said.
So, I find this even more highly unlikely.

john65pennington's avatar

I agree with all of the above answers. i listened to this talk show for about 10 minutes. it did not take me long to realize just how desperate some people are, that live in the Gulf area, to save their jobs, beaches, animals and livlihood.

austinlad_is_back's avatar

Use a nuke!!! Right.Nothing can go wrong with THAT!

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