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What would you do if you were visiting but then had to be by yourself?
I’m so stressed out right now. I’m visiting my boyfriend next week and it turns out he has 3 day drills in the Army and has to sleep out in the fields. I’ll basically be by myself for the most part. He convinced me to extend my stay for two days so I did and that was $129.
Just yesterday he found out he’s leaving for Philadelphia for two day training on the SAME DAY I’M leaving. Only he’s leaving early morning and I’ll be leaving at night.
God! All this money spending and money wasting…I’ll be by myself AGAIN on my last day with nothing to do, BY MYSELF, with no one I know!! I really want to buy another one way ticket but it’s very expensive right now.
What would you do if you were going to be by yourself and you’re in my shoes? I’m just so angry about all this and it’s completely stressing me out. I feel like the trip is going to be MISERABLE!
EDIT can he cancel the trip???? I mean it was optional, they just asked who wanted to go and he said he did. He just found out the date yesterday…so can he have the option of NOT GOING after telling them “yes”? I mean it was an option to go
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