Which pisses you off more grill poacher or those who backseat grill you?
The 4th of July is coming up and many people will be doing some grilling. What pisses you off more, that someone tries to take over your grill or people backseat grilling you? Some people are quite sly, they wait until you go to the John then slide in saying the meat needed turning, basting, etc then say they will “help” you out for you to go enjoy yourself when you try to take back your grill. Some just sit or hover close telling you that you need to add more this, use less that, watch your heat, you are starting to burn the burgers, where on the grill you should put what to make it cook better. Is that bad etiquette to backseat grill the host or try to commandeer his/her grill or is it being too anal fending off grill poachers?
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16 Answers
People don’t mess with my grill (twice)!
This is such an easy issue. The grill master needs to exert his (or her) god given right, and shew away anyone who thinks they have the balls to interfere.
I don’t know if there could be a better example of human pack-animal instinct.
In my family, the Alpha barbecues and cuts the Thanksgiving meat.
If you think you have the chops to take on great granddad, then good luck. Anything less is uncivilized folly.
I know nothing that is more clear and reasonable.
I’m vegetarian, and unless I grill my own lightly-oiled slabs of eggplant, it’s just not going to happen properly. If the “grillmaster” wants sole proprietorship of the grill, he should learn how to cook stuff other than blood-dripping chunks of dead animal.
I just raise my carving knife and suggest they find a beer from the cooler – WAY OVER THERE.
Get the hell outta my kitchen. Or grill. Or whatever.
I’m in the same camp as @Dr_Lawrence no one lives to mess with my grill twice! I like that!! ;D
I’m a simple person. I live by simple rules. Do unto others, don’t be ‘that guy’ and nobody f-ing touch anything in my kitchen or on my grill.
Doubly goes because I’m a woman and tons of men (even close family friends) try to ‘help’ the little lady with grilling tips. Look, there’s only two people who get to tell me how to grill. My Mom and my Grandpa- if you’re not them then go get a beer and relax, because I don’t need your help.
I can’t stand cooking.Go ahead,make my day.
Nobody, but nobody would try to poach my grill. I am not a dangerous killer anymore, but I still know how to do it. If you happen to be a guest at my place and begin to make a move to the grill, one of my friends, or my girlfriend, will discretely warn you. Thus, since there could never actually be a grill poacher in my life, the only thing left is the backseat grill offender. I have a way of handling the occasional poor soul who hovers by the grill, imagining that they can cook better than Josie. As a gesture, I will ask their advice early in the process. That lets them get involved, but also establishes that their input requires solicitation..
I’m upset that I can’t grill, period. It’s agin the law in NYC to grill on your terrace!
It is very bad etiquette. You need to nip it in the bud. “Them who complains about how it’s cooked, don’t get to eat!” is one joking, but real way to set them straight.
I use @Seek_Kolinahr s method and find it very effective. I’ll be “back seat” at my own grill this Fourth since my dominant hand is in a cast. My lovely “griller by proxy” has already agreed to follow my instructions, unless I get too obnoxious (in which case I get thrown in the pond). :^D
Backseat grilling gets handed the tongs. And individuals that take over the grill. All I can say is, that is just fine with me. One less thing I have to worry about.
I nip that problem in the bud. I don’t invite any guests!
@Seek_Kolinahr I like the way you put that “go get a beer….WAY OVER THERE!” Har har har
@aprilsimnel Another reason to move to Cali, less snow too. :-)
@ChazMaz Chez, Chez, Chez………….I would have expected you to be one of the 1st to rip the dudes arm off and beat him to death with it for pouching your grill. Har har If there is a lot of grilling to do maybe that is part of the plan to dupe some schmoe into doing all the heavy lifting Har har.
@wundayatta Sometimes you do not know they are hoverers or poachers until after you have invited them.
Good party hosting is all about location, location, location. The food must be close enough to the kitchen to give access to the cook, but far enough to keep people getting in the way, and the beer must be far enough away to keep the “backseat cooks” out of the way entirely.
I tend to follow my stepfather’s lead here. If I am grilling then I am doing the grilling; you touch the grill and your hand stays there until it has a nice char and an internal temperature of at least 150F. As for backseat grillers, that is what duct tape is for. You can tell me how you like it (rare, medium, well…) but beyond that is STFU territory.
That might be why I am rarely allowed to cook….
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