Social Question

wildpotato's avatar

Is there any activity you don't particularly enjoy, but are nevertheless good at?

Asked by wildpotato (15229points) July 2nd, 2010

Follow up to Vunessah’s and nikipedia’s questions. Got any random unvalued talents?

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43 Answers

janbb's avatar

Cleaning toilets.

DominicX's avatar


I breezed through calculus in high school, but I didn’t like it…I found it tedious and uninteresting for the most part (not entirely, but for the most part). Unfortunately, I had a lot of people ask me for help and I just got to do more and more calculus! Ugh… :(

Just math in general too. I can’t say that I don’t enjoy all of it, because I do enjoy some of it. But even though I didn’t take any math classes last year, I was still helping people with math…it just seems to come naturally to me, even though I find it to be largely boring…lol…I’m a word/language/letter person. :)

ChocolateReigns's avatar

I’ve been good at spelling all my life. So good that I finished the highschool level curriculum that I was using in 4th grade (I’m homeschooled). Everybody I know knows this, so they ask me how to spell all this different stuff and that gets on my nerves! So yeah it’d be spelling.

Vunessuh's avatar

I’m pretty fast and I have decent form, but I hate to do it. I took track my Freshmen year in high school and loathed it even though I did well. I broke the high jump and long jump school records in 8th grade.

I’m a good driver, but I always hand the wheel over to someone else.

Writing treatments.
A lot of screenwriters write something called a treatment before or after a script and I hate to write them at all. I think they’re pointless and annoying, but because I’m good at them, I’ve been hired to write them for other people before.

wtfrickinfrack's avatar

Babysitting. For some reason I seem to be the community babysitter everywhere I go. I like kids and everything…but sheesh! I can only take so many toddlers at a time, people!

ucme's avatar

Peacemaker.I hate confrontations, especially amongst family & friends. However, stepping in at the right moment may be unpleasant but it get’s the job done more often than not. Has it’s rewards in the end.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Administrative assisting.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Organizing other people’s messes.

bob_'s avatar

@nikipedia On behalf of men everywhere, that’s such a sad, sad shame.

janbb's avatar

@bob_ But maybe she enjoys making sandwiches and is good at it?

bob_'s avatar

@janbb Dude, just how good do you think sandwiches are?

janbb's avatar

Hey – that’s your obsession not mine!

bob_'s avatar

Priorities: I keep them straight.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, writing all my friends and their mothers dating profiles. lol

I keep being volunteered, have built quite the reputation for catchy profiles.

rebbel's avatar

Doing the dishes, the washing them and the drying them.
I can really wash and dry a mean dish.
Hot water with some soap, the glass dishes first, then some ceramic cups and dishes, then the cutlery, and finish with the pots and pans (the greasy ones last).
Then the drying: no particular order, but the glasses first, the rest is random.
But the stacking it in the cabinets is a whole different world altogether.
That needs to be done in a very specific order.
And that is exactly what i do.
But no, i don’t particularly like it.

Seek's avatar

Cleaning. Laundry and dishes particularly. Vacuuming. I hate the sound of a vacuum cleaner. Thank the gods I have hardwood flooring.

Making flyers for local bands’ shows. It’s boring as hell. But I do it, because no one else will. Oi.

Ivan's avatar

I guess I’m sort of the opposite of @DominicX. Spelling, grammar, and writing have always come naturally to me, but I don’t take any particular interest in them.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Ironing, laundry, organized house cleaning and shopping stuff. Paying bills and budgeting. I don’t much enjoy that stuff but I lurve having a neatened and organized clean home, paid up bills, no worries about what to wear, cook and knowing exactly how much is available to spend.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’m good at biological research, really good…but I don’t feel passionate about it. I am good at dressing like a ‘real girl’ and coming up with very fashionable outfits but I would never choose to do this as an activity. I am good at dumbing myself down given the situation (and hopefully for my benefit) but I hate doing it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Taxes. Damn it!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Killing people and destroying things.

Coloma's avatar


Uh…do have a basement full of lime? lol

Jeruba's avatar

Taking care of the bills.
Keeping track of dates and engagements.
Doing laundry, dang it.

kenmc's avatar

I can’t think of anything… I suck.

bob_'s avatar

@boots You seem to be good at that.


kenmc's avatar

@bob_ Wait… I’m not your mother.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I’m terrific at sales. I just can’t stand doing it for any length of time.

Jude's avatar

They call me the “kid whisperer” (that sounds wrong, doesn’t it?)

I’m good at dealing with problem/troubled children.

bob_'s avatar

@jjmah Really? ‘Cause I’m nothing but trouble…

Jude's avatar

@bob_ stalker!

bob_'s avatar

@jjmah Hey, I was here first! For all I know, maybe YOU are following me around, tricking me into stuff. Yep, that’s the ticket.

Jabe73's avatar

I would say anything to do with grammar, punctuation or writing skills in general. I am not bad at them but I tend to get ahead in trying to make my point rather than making it look good or nice. Writing skills has always bored me and yes I slip alot.

talljasperman's avatar

memorizing 3rd edition D&D rules

Seek's avatar



Get 1st Ed AD&D. The rules make sense.

talljasperman's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I’ve read 1st edition non -advanced rules…I like them… so It doesn’t count… I don’t like the 3rd edition rules that much So it qualifies for the question….I get caught up reading the manuals and never playing since I can rarely find someone to play with…

talljasperman's avatar

I a good night-cashier…at convience stores…but I hate working them with a vengence.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr & @talljasperman Your both wrong. AD&D 2nd Ed is where it’s at.

Seek's avatar

Eph 2E.

talljasperman's avatar

@Lightlyseared someone stole my 2nd Ed and skipped town…

augustlan's avatar

Folding clothes. I have it down to an art, and I absolutely despise it.

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