Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Am I a Fluther-dope or does this happen to you, too?

Asked by janbb (63393points) July 2nd, 2010

So – I read an answer, think it’s great and give it a GA. Then I glance over at the community feed a few minutes later and see that @rebbel, for example, just got a GA! Wonder what that was for? Please, please tell me that it happens to you too!

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9 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I love seeing the community feed. It reminds me that there’s a lot happening on Fluther that I may not be a part of.

And at times, it reminds me that I’ve already answered a question and don’t need to revisit it. Yes, I can be a dope, too.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

What was your question?

AmWiser's avatar

Come now lets not call ourselves Fluther dopes. I prefer to be called Fluther challenged, and only at times, not all the time.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I wish that the Community Feed gave a link to the quip or question that got a GA or a GQ.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence It does. All you have to do is click on the words Great Answer or Great Question as they show up after the user’s name in the Community feed.

augustlan's avatar

I have a similar problem. Every time I moderate something, an email gets sent to all mods. I frequently see a new email pop up, and think it’s a flag. I hop over to my email account only to realize that the email is (essentially) from me! Duh.

XOIIO's avatar

Guys! Tehy just changed something in the feed! Give me a few GA’s and look! It’s pretty cool. It glitches uo 5 letter names!

roundsquare's avatar

I don’t understand the question. In what way does/can this make you a dope?

janbb's avatar

Because I see that someone got a GA and am surprised because I didn’t remember that it was me who just gave them a GA!

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