What is your mini skirt wearing rule(s)?
When a mini too short, i.e. 2” below the crotch, 5” below the crotch etc? What is too young to wear a mini, 15yr, 13,yr, 11yr? Do age and length both have to be considered like 13yr is OK to wear a mini if the mini is 5” below the crotch etc? What age should a gal give up the mini? What is your “mini rules” out of curiosity?
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43 Answers
I didn’t know I was supposed to have any.
Oh, you meant on women.
The shorter the better. No underwear, of course! ;-0
I’m probably going to get in trouble for saying this, but from the bottom of my heart – NO ONE at any time should wear such a hideous piece of clothing. :\
For me, personally… Only in private and always with stockings and thigh high boots.
While I respect sex workers, I don’t want to be mistaken for one. So however short they are wearing them- I go a few inches longer than that. Also, I’m an old fuddy duddy, so I think anyone under 16 shouldn’t wear a micro and if they wear a mini there should be tights involved.
My personal rule? That would be never. I would never wear a mini skirt, because NO ONE wants to see that!
worn with leggings. always. no one over 40 ever.
I do not have the legs for they, but my eyes work just fine.
I think two inches below the crotch is too short. At that length, just wear a nice belt with some bling on it.
When a woman is no longer interested in attracting the attention of new sexual partners, she should stop wearing mini-skirts.
Under age 15 is too young for mini-skirts IMHO.
When I was in school and mini skirts were in fashion, (was that the first time for mini’s?) my mom’s rule was that when my arms were down by my sides, the skirt had to be at least as long as my fingertips. I didn’t look dowdy, and my mom was satisfied that I was properly covered.
I personally always felt better wearing a short skirt with tights or opaque hose.
I don’t think “mature” women look very good in a mini, but I do think they can be cute on a young gal with nice legs.
TheOnlyNeffie –Would that go for overweight people in Spandex, and droopy pants half off one’s butt?—
@Lightlyseared ” Only in private and always with stockings and thigh high boots.” Fishnets? And if always with stockings why not just by pass all together and go for slacks or Spandex pants?
@trailsillustrated @wilma*” worn with leggings. always. no one over 40 ever.”* ” I don’t think “mature” women look very good in a mini, but I do think they can be cute on a young gal with nice legs.” <see above> As far as mature women goes, what is mature 40ish, 50ish, 60ish? Many say 50 is the new 30. Just because you get pass 40 providing you keep yourself up one can kill in a mini. When Sharon Stone turned 41 she could have gave 20somethings a r8un for their money, and we cannot forget Tina Turner who looked good in a mini way pass her 40th b-day. Elucidate, how old is “mature”? :-)
I never wear skirts, but I love mini dresses. I don’t really have any rules as long as it looks good.
@wilma “the skirt had to be at least as long as my fingertips.”
That is way too short.
Not a fan of miniskirts because I don’t really feel comfortable with them, but I’ve no specific rules for them, whether it’s on me or someone else.
Oh, I don’t do that anymore. My physique has succumbed to gravity. Now when I wear a mini dress it is a tunic, over slacks.
If my wife were in to wearning them, which she is definitely not, I’d have a rule saying “For my eyes only.” Since she never wears risque costumes of any sort, I have no need of miniskirt rules.
Only if I’ve shaved my balls and waxed and bleached my asshole within the previous three days.
@ETpro If you never go out with her while she is in her stylish what would be the point? Out of curiosity
Only in plaid, with a sporran, in the clan’s fighting colours. And a true Scotsman never wears underwear.
@SmashTheState EEEEWWWWW…that is so wrong….and I won’t get that visual out of my head before I eat….............EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW <barf barf>
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@Hypocrisy_Central If you have to ask why I’d like to see her wearing a miniskirt around the house, I have to wonder if you would understand the answer. Let’s just say that would expose parts of her anatomy I dearly love to see, but do not love to share.
A few rules.
Only women who look fabulous in them should ever wear them.
Length is not really relevent, just a matter of taste. All mini skirts, notwithstanding that they can look really alluring and sexy, are in marginal taste.
Even if you look fabulous in it, if you are not in show business, I would give it up after age 25.
I don’t wear skirts higher than ~5 inches above my knee. Then again, I am an outlier.
When I was working, 30 – 40 years ago, I would decide; if the receptionist at the front desk raised her eyebrows when I walked in, I was happy.
My only rule is I don’t wear them. Once was enough (taught me to bet more carefully).
I think mini is fine if you are young and thin. My rule would be must wear underwear, not a thong, you can’t be almost naked on top too. You can only push the envelope in one area of the body at one time. So low cut top means longer skirt. Mini skirt means a top that covers your breast well and has some sort of sleeve or strap. Bare in two places look slutty instead of cute. Also, mini has to be in fashion for it not to look slutty.
@josie ”Even if you look fabulous in it, if you are not in show business, I would give it up after age 25.” And those over 25yrs should wear what? Hopefully not granny dresses or “mom jeans”. If a woman over 30 can rock a mini why should she not?
@JLeslie ”Bare in two places look slutty instead of cute. Also, mini has to be in fashion for it not to look slutty.” And because it would be seen as sexy by most men it would be “slutty” just off that? I assure you if she was overweight she could be near naked and nothing would make her look sexy. Then again I have known women who were like the town bicycle everyone gets a ride with no makeup, wearing a sweat shirt, jeans and sneakers. It is interesting women dressed provocatively get seen as sluts while the actual gals who sleep around gets a pass because she only gets naked with the 3 dozen men she sleeps with month. Those dancers on Dancing with the Stars have some elegant gowns that show a lot of skin but I would hardly call it slutty. Love the input though.
@Facade Mini skirt or mini dress many people cross over in dos and don’ts because the hem line is the lynch pin in the whole thing more than what is happening about the shoulders unless it is a mini tube dress
And don’t forget hiphugging mini are really dangerous unless you want to look like the old dude with his butt hanging out!
@Hypocrisy_Central I do not assume the girls are sluts because of how they dress – never. I said it looks slutty. I said I was fine with short mini-skirts. I was giving fashion advice not making a judgement about the person who wears it. You can look like you have some class and still be half naked, and sexy, thats the point. Mini can be cute, it is not always sexy per se. If a 12 year old has on a cute mini dress I think it is fine, even though I would hope she is not being perceived as a sexual being yet. She might be wearing it with flat shoes, and the material might be a cotton knit. I worked in childrens ready-to-wear for a while and I find very young children are just as fashion forward as movie stars in Hollywood, they catch every trend.
I get the feeling you are a man and are thinking mini means, you can almost see her crotch and that is where you want to be, for you it is all about the sex, which is what you are kind of accusing me of. I am thinking from a fashion perspective.
@Hypocrisy_Central you really have no idea what stocking are have you? If you wear stockings you still have easy access to certain important body parts. If you wear spandex pants you dont’t.
I’m not terribly big on miniskirts, on a personal level.
While I don’t really consider myself “modest”, I am pretty conservative in my chosen style of dress.
This is probably my limit on skirt length, and I would only consider it if the skirt were flowing (like this one), as opposed to tight.
My general rule is: if I can’t walk, run, bend, crouch, sit, stand, pick up my kid, and climb stairs without making adjustments, my clothing is inappropriate.
@rebbel you might not think that if you saw me at 17, in my miniskirt. ;)
@”I get the feeling you are a man and are thinking mini means, you can almost see her crotch and that is where you want to be, for you it is all about the sex, which is what you are kind of accusing me of.” 1st off I am not accusing you of anything. Having dealt with you on other issues to great fun I might add I somewhat get the drift of your thinking. The thought of you believing a mini was about sex as many fall victim to did not come to mind.
A mini to me is not about sex because the woman in the right pair of jeans <ahem camel toe ahem> can make you think of her choochie and how you wish to be there more. A mini is a way for certain women to be able to show off the gams if she has a great pair, a mini on the wrong gal can be a dreck (dreadful train wreck), and a hurting to the eyes. A mini does not automatically allude to sex anymore than a bikini. She can be wearing a well-fitted pants suit and I could think of sex if I wanted to, if she was all that; what a gal wears is not the quickening for that.
@Lightlyseared ”you really have no idea what stocking are have you? If you wear stockings you still have easy access to certain important body parts.” I certainly do know what stockings are and their unofficial use. But a lack of stockings have little to do with access, if I wanted to get to it, I would, be it Spandex, jeans, peasant dress etc. clothes are no obstacle to the creative and innovative. ;-)
@Seek_Kolinahr That might be a mini in some circles but that dress would not make it into the square or circle to what I would call a mini, it is an OK dress but not a mini. :-)
Spandex doesn’t look good on anybody.
@Seek_Kolinahr Spandex is incorporated into fabrics such as cotton to make them more comfortable. I wasn’t suggesting a fully spandex mini skirt.
@Hypocrisy_Central I was not thinking sex when you said mini, my only comment was that it can look clutty or trashy when combined with another part of the body barely covered. Then you jumped to that I was calling girls sluts. I was just clarifying that’s all. I think we can agree that neither of us are obsessing about a mini branding a woman nor that it is always trashy to wear a short skirt. Look, I think women who have their nails too long and crazy painted designs can look cheap, low class, and sometimes trashy, and they can be wearing clothes that are covering everything. I trully was commenting on the fashion.
By the way when you use drek in Yiddish it means shit. You might want to know if you live in a city that has a lot of Jews, even the non-Jews will think that is what you mean.
I’m not going to tell people what to wear but if you’re bending over and I can see your privates and I didn’t ask for the show, that’s too short. I wear mini-skirts with tights and only when I dance tango.
I don’t have a daughter, so my only rule about skirts is that they should never go below the knee.
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