I'm bored. What do you do when you don't watch t.v., there's nothing good on Fluther and you don't have an engrossing book?
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janbb (
July 4th, 2010
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28 Answers
I either clean, masturbate or go to bed. Sometimes all three in that order.
truthfully, I haven’t had a bored moment in years. but that’s what I used to do.
I’d kill for a little boredom.
Play video games, make comics, go shopping, or take a good nap.
Add on: Yesterday, I cooked up a huge pot of broccoli/bacon potatoes and a six pound roast beef in the slow cooker, and today I’m working on a pot of chili and the slow cooker has a chicken and vegetables in it.
I run the copwatch program here, so when I have some free time and I’m feeling restless, I throw on a copwatch vest and go harass the piggies. A confrontation with the cops always brightens my day. If it’s late at night, I have stickers I’ve made up which say “LIES” or “McNEWS: OVER 6 BILLION DECEIVED” and walk around slapping them over the display window of newspaper boxes.
Write something: Go back to one of your truly magnificent answers to a fluther question and develop it into an essay. Polish it up and send it off to a publication of some kind. Write another one.
Draw or paint something or take some photographs outdoors.
Ride a bus or trolley or subway from one end of the line to the other.
Drag someone into a game of cribbage or gin rummy or Chinese checkers.
Bake something. Cookies.
Send “thinking of you” messages or notes to six old friends.
Paint your nails all different colors.
Pick any random two- or three-letter combination that doesn’t spell an English word and Google it. Follow the links. Keep going. Keep on going. I have found some amazing things this way, from detailed information about an oil company’s holdings to a blog by a teacher on an island in the Pacific to some weird organizations and associations to parallel analyses of several African languages.
Anything to avoid cleaning out drawers, sorting and discarding old clothes, or emptying a stuffed closet.
And…there are literary sites online where you can read entire wonderful old engrossing books such as the works of Dickens and R.L. Stevenson and plays of Shakespeare and Jakata tales and ancient Greek myths and Vedic stories and old Irish literature and much, much more.
Use Stumbleupon.com to find new planes on the net to explore.
Play facebooks games.
Watch TV program episodes I’ve downloaded from the ‘Net.
Talk to my wife on the telephone. She will be back finally in two weeks.
Order not relevant.
Thanks all. I will keep this list. Tonight, I walked down to the beach and watched the fireworks on my own. I think it did the trick for now.
If alone and bored then I turn on music to exercise, clean, do laundry, groom myself, organize drawers and closets, play crosswords, window shop online, freerice.com.
plants zs zombies…..best game ever
Make myself comfortable, take myself in hand, and develop a good fantasy! Maybe I should take my own advice. There’s someone I’ve been thinking about a lot lately who would fit nicely into such a fantasy
I like to tramp through the woods, sort of a communion with nature and verifying that the forest is not infested by trolls or zombies. I’ve been able to do that more often lately, as most of the projects I have to do require two hands.
Take out your crayons and paper and draw.
I exercise. Or play the piano. Or listen to my favorite music.
Like @Dr_Lawrence my fall back currently is StumbleUpon. I also love crossword puzzles and drawing. In other bored times I’ve taught myself how to knit, crochet, cross stitch and sew. Strangely, once I mastered those I dropped them.
Go to the library and get an engrossing book, clean the house, do a project, talk on the phone. Truth is, I never get bored.
I hope freerice.com comes back up and they get around to adding latin to the vocabulary options.
Woo hoo, I’m going in since it’ll be a late night at work. Thanks.
Play board games if there’s someone with you? Or get a word puzzle book and do those. Or build a puzzle! Spring cleaning? Look for a new hobby to begin. Plan your next BBQ. Rearrange your furniture, that’s always exciting. :D
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