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Emergency: Dog hit in the eye, quite bad condition. Help!
got whacked in the eye, it bled a bit.
Is now swollen. He kept it closed overnight and still is.
When I slightly opened it seems the inner lids are swollen and bloodshot red, at least it looks like the inner lids.
At first the eye (last night) appeared to not even be there, but I’m quite sure it is, underneath those two thick layers of wounded flesh.
Am very concerned please, all help is very much appreciated. Couldn’t find much of anything on the net, (I have to do things on my own, here)
And in my conditions it’s difficult to contact a vet, that’s just how it is where I live, so please don’t waste your time typing an answer if you have the intention of replying: “I’d go to a vet” et al.
Thank you in advance, good people…
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