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Jude's avatar

(lately) A song that made you all verklempt? What was the song?

Asked by Jude (32210points) July 5th, 2010

We’re talking lately..

For me (and I have no idea why. Maybe, because it’s just so darn beautiful) Meadowlarks by the Fleet Foxes

Meadowlark, fly your way down.
I hold a cornucopia and a golden crown
For you to wear upon your fleecy down.

My meadowlark, sing to me.

Hummingbird, just let me die
Inside the broken ovals of your olive eye.
I do believe you gave it your best try.

My hummingbird, sing to me.

My hummingbird, sing to me.

Don’t believe a word that I haven’t heard.
Little children laughing at the boys and girls.
The meadowlark singing to you each and every day.
The arc light on the hillside and the market in the hay.

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49 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Verklempt meaning?

Jude's avatar

Verklempt:[Yiddish] (also ferklempt, etc.) overcome with emotion

rebbel's avatar

Ah, thanks, it’s clear now.

ubersiren's avatar

Puff the Magic Dragon. (Little Jackie Paper dies and leaves Puff all alone!)

zenele's avatar

Such a shikse attempt to copycat. Anyway, Barbra always does it for me with The way we were

I’d say it’s more like Farklempt.


Seek's avatar

Loreena McKennitt’s Stolen Child – song based on the W.B. Yeats poem.

When I was young, I used to wish for fairies to come steal me away. This song always chokes me up.

Likeradar's avatar

Lateralus at the Tool show at Red Rocks. It was close to a religious experience.

Jude's avatar

@zenele That, too. But, you know…Linda Richman. ;-)

Jude's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I got to see her perform in Stratford, On a few years ago. Lovely. Just lovely..

Jude's avatar

@Likeradar saw them perform at Lolla last summer. One of my favorite bands.

Likeradar's avatar

@jjmah They’re so incredible live! If you ever get the chance to see them in a non-festival performance, do it. :)

Jude's avatar

@Likeradar Yeah, that’s the thing with festivals; they play only 6–7 songs and the sound, I find, isn’t the greatest You can hear the other bands playing at the same time, as well.

Seek's avatar


I’m more than jealous. She doesn’t come to Florida. I’d have to drive almost 1000 miles to see her when she comes to the States.

janbb's avatar

“I’d Sure Like to See You Sometime” by Joni Mitchell has been doing it for me lately. Also, “The Weary Kind” from the movie Crazy Heart.

Jude's avatar

@janbb =) Joni Mitchell..

janbb's avatar

@jjmah A Canuck even! Amazing how so many of her songs hit home re: relationships.

Jude's avatar

@janbb Oh, I know..=)

And, kd lang did a cover of A Case of You. Beautiful.

marinelife's avatar

Listening to I Don’t Know Much by Aaron Neville and Linda Ronstatd, because it was posted by someone in another thread, I cried through the whole thing today.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Listening to a song written by my daughter for her youngest brother.
She touched some tender places for all her siblings and for myself.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I know I was just talking about Tool in another thread, and I think it was one of your threads to boot. I swear I’m not obsessed, it’s just a coincidence. Tool – 10,000 Days (Wings part 2) – especially in combination with Wings for Marie (part 1) makes my heart come up into my throat. I’ve cried more than once listening to it. To me that song illustrates the raw emotion that comes with watching a loved one suffer like no other song I’ve ever heard. Part 2 is just especially powerful, in my opinion.

KhiaKarma's avatar

I agree with Fleet Foxes, my favorite is Tiger Mountain.

Also @janbb I love that movie and have not been able to get the song sometimes falling feels like flying, for a little while… outta my head. Such a great soundtrack!

filmfann's avatar

Cyndi Lauper’s version of La Vie En Rose

KhiaKarma's avatar

This song too from the movie Once

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie & @jjmah -She is very good!If you get the chance to see her live,you’ll love it:)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Bridge Over Troubled Water- recently heard a Johnny Cash version that wasn’t half bad.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Jan Sibelius’ “Finlandia”, Ralph Vaughn Williams’ “The Lark Ascending”.

Cruiser's avatar

Norwegian Wood done by Frank Marino is quite nice…

zenele's avatar

Linda Richman was a hysterical SNL (circa: still funny) character. She will forever be identified with the term farklempt.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Enya’s “Sail Away”.

zenele's avatar

^ Always a fave. I also love the theme song from The Mission. They each remind me of the other.

tranquilsea's avatar

Jully Black I Travelled. I can’t find the original video, unfortunately. She has her mother in that video and part way through she genuinely starts crying.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

I have a few…

Lately….it was listening to John Denver…for some reason. It reminded me so much of a period in my life after a break-up when all I did to heal was listen to JD (and I didn’t even like him before then).I bought most of his albums and listened to all of them. “This is how it feels falling out of love…this is how you lose your very best friend…this is how it feels when it’s all over…” And “Wild Montana Skies”. He was quite amazing and really underrated as an artist.

Joni is my favorite….I used to play her LP’s until then were worn. My fave Joni was her album “For the Roses”. She is simply a genius.

“Wild Horses” by Susan Boyle really tugs at the heart strings. That whole album is a Kleenex short of a full box. Stunning CD (and I was surprised at it’s beauty.)

“In My Life”. by the Beatles…ooooh…..that really evokes some deep memories.

But the all-time Verklempt song for me…Andy Williams…singing “Moon River.” There is something about that song that takes me back to childhood. I hear that and I am just gone.

Jude's avatar

@tranquilsea Jully Black! I had to check and see if you were Canadian.:) Love her.

@R, all are lovely. :)

marinelife's avatar

@filmfann She does a lot with a little.

@KhiaKarma hat was a very haunting song.

@stranger_in_a_strange_land The Sibelius piece is very stirring.

@anartist Cried all the way through that one.

@Cruiser I prefer the original.

@DarlingRhadamanthus Susan Biyle has a real gift, doesn’t she?

tranquilsea's avatar

@jjmah I am, I am Canadian. Or, should I say, “I AM CANADIAN” lol. I miss those commercials.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Oh….then, what about “Oh, Canada!” ??

__I love Canada/Canadians__they keep Americans sane.

janbb's avatar

@DarlingRhadamanthus Unfortunately, they don’t have as much impact as they should.

tranquilsea's avatar

@janbb we would turn evil if we had more

zenele's avatar

Canada – a quiet loft above a crazy party.

zenele's avatar

This one, too. Really. I’m a fucking softy.

anartist's avatar

I am such a vulnerable type these days that any of those songs like ‘bringing mary home’ ‘what’s your mama’s name?’ or ‘sing me back home’ get me. especially ‘what’s your mama’s name’ as needless irrevocable loss is what gets me the most

Jude's avatar

This song, this morning.

marinelife's avatar

kd Lang’s version of Hallelujah from the Winter Olympics. Just now.

janbb's avatar

Another thread rmeinded me of Janis Ian’s song “Jesse Come Home” – makes me bawl just thinking about it.

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