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Do you know of any instances where a teenage boy got into a physical fight with his father, or physically challenged his father out of anger or frustration?
Last night some family friends told us that the husband (the boy’s father) got into a fight with the teenage son. The father has always believed in corporal punishment, and apparently did something physical to the son and the son pushed him back and said “I’ll take you down, old man.” The father and son then proceeded to get into a physical altercation, where the father ended up winning and son left the house crying. Son does not dispute the story so i guess it’s accurate. They said leading up to this incident, son had been mouthy and rude, since this incident son has been more respectful to both parents.
A few years ago I witnessed another father-son altercation, where son challenged the father and father ended up with the upper hand.
Hearing the story last night about this second family’s incident got me to thinking perhaps this is somewhat commonplace. These two families are vastly different: the one last night is a conservative family, white collar, not big drinkers. The one I witnessed is not a conservative family, they are big drinkers, blue collar.
Do you have any stories or know of any where the father and son got into a physical altercation, perhaps because the son was tired of being treated a certain way, or for some other reason?
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