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osakarob's avatar

How to pronounce the Japanese connecting word 々

Asked by osakarob (1304points) March 19th, 2008

I need help trying to find Japanese or English sources which explain the origin or pronunciation of the Japanese conjunction 々。It is the kanji found in words like 時々,etc.
The one used when the first kanji is repeated. What is this mark called? How can I look it up? I know that it is never used as anything other than a conjunction, but what is it actually called?

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3 Answers

richardhenry's avatar

As far as I know, this is used in Japanese to take the place of a second same character. “People” is usually written 人々, using 人 with the mark 々 preceeding it, rather than 人人, using the same symbol twice. I believe 々is called an ‘iteration mark’.

osakarob's avatar

Thanks Richardhenry. Yes, as I said, I am very aware of how it is used and why. What I am looking for specifically is what the contraction mark is formally called in Japanese. I have heard that most school children just pronounce it as くりかえし、
or “repeating”. What I am looking for is a definitive grammatical or orthographic term such as the one you suggested (iteration mark), but in Japanese.
Any Japanese language scholars?

zinmaster's avatar


The mark is called 漢字返し (kanji-gaeshi, kanji repeater) or 同の字点 (dōnoji-ten, same-character mark) in Japanese, or noma since it looks like a combination of the katakana ノマ no ma.

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