Do you think its ok to smoke near kids? Why or why not?
Neither of my parents smokes, but I got to thinking about this. Is it ok to smoke near children?
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28 Answers
Not a very clear question if you include the text.
I think it is terrible to smoke, and if you do, never near anyone who can breathe your second-hand fumes.
What does that have to do with thinking about your parents, who are non-smokers?
There’s plenty of research that clearly shows the negative impact of second hand smoke, so, no, it’s not ok to smoke near kids.
Kids especially littler kids think whatever an adult does must be OK so smoking or doing anything stupid in front of kids is not good overall. Don’t do it!
I agree with @syz – not only is there research that proves second hand smoke is bad for infants and kids in your life but there is research that shows third hand (what you carry in your hair and under nails and in your clothing after you smoke) is bad for the kids in your life. I hate parents who smoke right smack in the middle of the playground, hate them – I find their actions disgusting.
I grew up with smokers. The children at school teased me because I smelled like cigarette smoke. Bad idea.
Yeah. Bad idea. Nuff sed.
Smoking cigarettes near children is irresponsible. Being a smoker and being around kids is not good either. The smoke doesn’t leave you after you put the cigarette out.
I was raised with parents that smoke. I smoke.
I would never smoke around children. It’s far too dangerous.
Definitely not. It would annoy me if I found out my parents smoked around me when I was a baby, and had no choice or way to protect my lungs. At least when you’re a bit older you can get up and walk outside, away from the smoke. But at such a young age that would be unfair.
I would go so far as saying it is molesting.
I don’t think it’s a good thing and I don’t smoke around kids.
I love smoking around kids. It’s great. Then I go out and kick a few puppies and smack some nun’s bottoms. All in a days work.
Jeez no. Is there really anyone in a developed country that still thinks smoking around non-smokers is okay? Especially children. I can’t imagine one’s argument for this…. it just boggles the mind to think someone would think it was just dandy.
I grew up in a house with smokers, drove around in the winter time with no seat belts….We all turned out ok.
You know the answer to this is “no” and everyone here in the collective is going to say “no.”
I am willing to bet that some of you have smoked around children and still continue to do it to this day.
I know I was guilty of it from time to time when I was a smoker.
Smoking sucks.
Its not ok to smoke around yourself, come on.
I grew up with smokers. In their defense, there was no stigma attached to smoking and any rules relating to second-hand smoke weren’t in place. I remember my dad smoking in the hospital when we went to visit my great-grandmother after she had a stroke. As a kid, I never thought anything of it. The only time it bothered me was when my dad smoked in the car without rolling down the window. I’d yell at him, and he’d say, “It’s too cold to open the window. Let the car warm up first!” Geez.
Now that we are all more educated about the dangers of second-hand smoke, I of course think smoking around kids is a horrible idea. Exposure to second-hand smoke is one of the leading contributing factors in SIDS. In older kids who might already be susceptible to things like asthma, it’s of course unhealthy. I used to have a little boy in my toddler class at daycare who came in every day reeking of cigarette smoke. He had breathing problems, and every time he got a cold it would go into his lungs and he’d be put on a nebulizer. I wanted to smack his mother. If you have to smoke, how hard is it to smoke outside or not smoke in the car with your kid, especially if your kid is prone to breathing problems?!
Besides the health risks, it is also a something I don’t want my kids exposed to for other reasons. My parents both still smoke, and my in-laws smoke. They don’t smoke in our house, of course, but whenever we’re around they smoke often outside. I’ve had to stop my kids from pretending to smoke cigarettes, and talk to them about their fears that their grandparents are going to die from lung cancer. Once kids start learning about things like that in health class, they worry about it. So, having people smoke around my kids bothers me on more than one level. I can’t make anyone quit, and would never preach at people who already know the risks of smoking, and I’m not going to refuse to let my kids be around their grandparents. Asking them not to smoke indoors with the kids or when they have the kids in the car is the best I can do.
The middle son’s second question. I am starting to tear up over here.
Here’s something else I think is rotten to do around young kids: chitchat on a cell phone in the company of their children. Everyday I see moms and dads at supermarkets, in parking lots, driving (!), talking on their phones and paying no attention to their kids. Whatever happened to parents talking TO their kids?
@Austinlad I agree, but I’ve been known to do this. You never know who they are talking to though. They could be talking to the child’s other parent, like I was. ;)
edited to add- I was also paying attention to my children though. That’s why I usually ask my husband to call back.
@jonsblond, of course, I know some conversations are important. I just mean just chatting away like you would with someone walking down the street with you. I’d much rather see the parent talking to his or her child, finding out what’s going on in the kid’s life and teaching them the art of face-to-face communication rather than demonstrating how easy it is to disconnect from the world around you.
I have never once considered this question because I can think of only one person I know who smokes and he moved.
I grew up in a houseful of smoke. Back then, it was just expected that adults could do things and use certain words, kids could not. Period. Cigarettes, ashtrays , beer. Everyday. I have no health problems. No allergies. But I’m glad it was mentioned. I’ll be aware of smoking around kids from now on. I suspect that the general consensus is no curse words or alcohol around kids either?
But we will continue to give in to their demands for designer clothes and battery operated luxuries while we are careful to not influence them in a negative direction.
It seems to be a kids’ world. Maybe not.
I trying to think of a reason why it would be OK…......can you think of one?
@Aster I’d like to see my husband’s family not use swear words or alcohol around kids. I think their heads would implode from the effort.
Personally, I don’t put swear words and alcohol in the same realm as second-hand smoke. Words are just words, and while I would certainly take issue with any kind of racial slurs or hateful language being used (around my kids or just around me), a fuck or shit here or there isn’t going to harm a kid. My kids know all the “bad” words and also know not to use them.
As for alcohol, it’s a matter of moderation. Drinking in moderation and with good judgement is fine. There’s a big difference, of course, between having a couple of beers or a glass of wine at dinner and getting tanked to the point of not being able to care for your kids if they get sick or hurt, or (God forbid) getting wasted and getting into the car with your kids. I’ve never heard of second-hand beer fumes causing health problems in kids.
There’s responsible levels of drinking, but I don’t think there are responsible levels of smoking. The risk of addiction is too high, and the health risks to children living with people who smoke directly around them are too well-known. Not in the same category as other “negative” things, in my opinion.
I agree, @MissAusten . No smoking around them but moderate drinking and cursing is harmless. That what you meant? (drinking is not part of my lifestyle unless I get lucky during December).
That’s like asking if it is okay to hold a kid up to the tail pipe of a running car.
@Aster Yes, that’s what I meant. Thanks for restating it so simply, while I tend to run on and on. We aren’t big drinkers on a daily basis, but when we have a family gathering or special occasion, there’s always a good amount of booze involved.
If they’re going to be breathing in the second hand smoke, then no way! Nobody, children or adults, should have to unwillingly breathe in second hand smoke.
It is never okay to smoke near any nonsmokers, kids included. Only exceptions: designated bars and areas with signs: this is a smoking zone.
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