Social Question

Kids say the darndest things, right?
I love it when children of all ages, in their wonderful and wonderous (also spelt wondrous) world they live in – before it gets all convoluted, messy and crazy – say all kinds of things that make perfect sense – to them. And should, to us, too.
Sometimes they are indeed mysterious and might require some reflection, or even translation.
I’m not waxing poetic now, I just have a neat example from this morning and thought I’d share it. Then, you could give up the pearls of wisdom – or as the old saying goes; out of the mouths of babes.
My son, on the phone with me, asked me to swing by and pick him up from a friend’s house. He didn’t know the exact address or how to explain at which house – and it wasn’t important – because he added just come to the house of the guy that plays the saxophone and I’m right there.
I love that at his teen age he associates people with their instrument of choice, and not their car, or size of house or fence around it.
Music. A lovely way to see the world through rose coloured glasses.
Do your kids say ingenius and wonderful things?
Do your teens speak another language completely which sounds like English but isn’t… it’s spoken textspeak, or tweets, or facebook?
Maybe they are just wise beyond their years – and have said something really brilliant that you must share with the world.
This could be the thread for it: Kids’ wisdom: Kids say the darndest things!