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Dutchess_III's avatar

When you start a project, does one thing invariably lead to another?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) July 10th, 2010

Like, you’re going to deep clean the bathroom, and the next thing you know you’re putting shelves up in the laundry room.

My husband is in the process of putting in a small pond. Last weekend a guy up the street was advertising “free pond rock,” so we hauled a bunch of it. Well, we just dumped it in the yard. I don’t know how long it could sit with grass growing up between the rocks, so today I decided to move them all beside the house so it kinda, sorta looked like that was our intention. Well, before I could do that I had to move a mountain of dirt which was excavated from said pond site. The dirt was just parked in the middle of the walk way… is freaking hot, the sun is blazing, but I’m almost finished moving the dirt and covering up exposed tree roots in the yard. I have a feeling I may not get around to moving those rocks today! And that’s all I wanted to do! Is get the rocks out of the yard!


Bob_….I’m starving. Go get me a cool ham and Swiss cheese sandwich, with lettuce and tomato, and a cold beer please.

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5 Answers

perspicacious's avatar

Every single time!!!

augustlan's avatar

Every time. It’s probably half of the reason I never get anything done. Often times, just thinking about one project that needs doing leads my mind to all of the other things that must be done in relation. I get overwhelmed before I even start. :(

Dutchess_III's avatar

@augustlan A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. (I made that up! NOT!!!)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@augustlan Before I had a dishwasher, I hated washing dishes! The only way I could get myself to do it was to say, “Look, Val. You don’t have to wash the dishes. Just fill up the sink with soap and water, and walk away!” Then I’d think, “Well, I suppose I could wash one glass….” and so on. And then the dishes got done. But I knew I could quit at any time in the process if it got to be too much!

NaturallyMe's avatar

I think so!! And it’s so annoying, it feels like sometimes i get nothing done, because to do what i want to do, there’s sometimes something else that needs to be done before i can get to what i want to do, and in the end i’m too lazy to do that other thing, so, ya. I’m seriously trying to quit that. I’m sure my procrastination features somewhere around there too.

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