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Can using sunscreen AFTER you're burned help relieve the pain?
Part 3 of my 4,544 part series “Stuff I’ve heard growing up in the South and my quest to find out what y’all think of it”:
I FOOLISHLY got burned today and someone suggested that I apply sunscreen because the ingredients in it actually soothe your burn better than aloe and “pull out the heat” because of the UV protection stuff.
Of course, as a highly-educated (read:good brain meat) and beautiful (read: hot rack) educator, I scoffed and told them to go back to their swap meet. But then I got to thinking…maybe they know something I don’t…who am I to disagree… I’m the one too stupid to put it on before I went out in this hellacious Grapes of Wrath heat.
Have you all ever heard this and/or tried it?
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