Coconut Flour vs Whole wheat flour...Which is healthier?
Which is more easily digested by the body? Which is a better substitute for white flour?
Because coconut flour is high in fiber & protein does that make it as good as whole grain?
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6 Answers
“Whole wheat” flour means that the whole plant is put into the stuff. “Whole grain” is literally the whole grain, unpulverized. Not flour. I think, that’s how it works, anyway.
When you take any starchy edible plant, pulverize it into powder, you’re going to end up with similar products regardless of what you use. I don’t know which one would be healthier, though. I’d imagine the coconut would be, because it can be eaten raw while the wheat requires cooking before its toxicity is low enough to digest. I’d go with coconut on that principle alone.
Coconuts contain highly saturated fats. I don’t know how well coconut flour performs in routine baking. Wheat is a domestic product while coconuts would require much longer distances to be transported to market. I would stick with whole wheat flour.
Well, firstly, it depends, each person has a slightly diffrent digestive system with slightly deiffrent prefrences. Wheat has alot of diadvantages, even whole, or whole grained, Gluten is difficult to digest for many people, it is allergenic and sometimes the symptoms are such that the average person doesn’t connect between them and food at all. Coconut has wonderfull saturated fats, which are usually not fatening, because they are healthy fats that the body uses for it’s purposes, and has much less carbohydrate, but not everyone’s digestive system reacts well to fatty foods.
So the best thing to do is to test it out: make bread from the two and have only one kind for a few days, then the other kind for a few days. Try and notice what feels good, how do you feel after having them, especially in terms of energy level, concentration ability and mood.
What’s the right food for one is very individual
I say whole wheat flour because Whole wheat bread is haelthier for you anyway. Coconut flour I always thought was just very ground up cocunut. I also wouldnt recommend coconut flour because its sweeter and I HATE coconuts.
I try to make everything using whole wheat flour because it is a healthier alternative to the white death we call all purpose flour. The idea of coconut flour is new to me and sounds intriguing. I will have to do some research on it. Thanks for the idea.
Whole wheat flour is made with all the wheat bran and wheat germ intact. It does not mean the whole plant is thrown in there. Whole grain means something similar, only it doesn’t have to be wheat – it’s whatever grain they’re using, but still whole. (The whole plant, including the stalk, chaff, etc., would not be all that digestible for people.)
Coconut flour is ground up coconut nutmeat – the white part of the coconut. Coconut is indeed high in sat fat, but it’s the good for you kind. Besides, flour from coconuts may well be defatted anyway. It’s a good flour alternative for people who can’t have wheat or gluten, but keep in mind that it will behave very differently from wheat flour.
“As good as whole grain” is a matter of opinion. As good for what purpose? If you’re making bread out of it, be prepared for a very dense loaf that doesn’t rise without some serious additions of other grains or some gluten. If you’re making pasta, it will probably fall apart. But if you’re making something like brownies or pancakes, it may work quite well indeed.
What do you plan to do with the flour? That will help us help you figure out which flour is best for your recipe.
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