If you're a thinker, how do you respond/react when asked to express your feelings?
Asked by
whatnot (
July 11th, 2010
I’ve known some thinkers (people whose personality type was predominately thinker vs. feeler), who have had strong reactions when asked to express their feelings. Other thinkers I’ve known are more willing to share.
If you’re a thinker (your personality type leans more towards thinking than feeling), how guarded are you with your emotions? Do you react as if you’re threatened or offended when asked to share your feelings? If you’re open with sharing your emotions, was this something natural for you or did you undergo a process of becoming open and what was this process? What helps you to experience a level of comfort to not only be able to recognize your feelings, but also to experience comfort in sharing?
About me: My personality type leans more towards feeling. I make decisions based upon my feelings rather than my thoughts. However, I tend to be analytical and I enjoy processing my thoughts. I am quick to react emotionally, and unless I have learned from experience that a situation or person isn’t safe, I willingly share my emotional responses/reactions no matter how sentimental or colorful they are.
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20 Answers
Sharing feelings? What is that?
Seriously, though, I’m pretty analytical. I’ve spent my life just talking about the facts. I’ve needed to express my feelings at various times and I suck at it. I don’t feel hostile or defensive. I just feel as though feelings have their own language and it is one that I don’t speak.
@whatnot in other words, you do your thinking with your heart and not your head? right…. Well, i did that when i was young, but it got me into a lot of trouble. Now, i think with my head! think there is something up there..loll!
I am a very emotional person, but I try to temper those emotions through logic. It is a constant battle.
Having little emotional modesty, my strong feelings will make themselves heard. If I don’t like a person, they’ll know it, unless they’re really, really stupid. Which actually accounts for a good half of the people I actively dislike, but I digress. However, I do have my secrets – many of which I keep from myself (if that makes any sense). For example, the answer I had intended to enter for your last question was something that I am quite ashamed of, and so have not actually admitted to – even to myself.
My husband is a thinker but he is extremely sensitive and I think that that means he is very emotional but inarticulate about it. He reacts what I would call suddenly to releasing emotions. But he does use them to compile information about people. I believe that that is harder than me being at ease with emotions and able to harness thinking. We are opposites and make a great whole when discussing something together… but it it easier for me than him. I think. I’m a Cancer so I can express forever. He is a Cappy so he just can get right to it…whatever IT is and is happy with his answer !
I am a thinker, but I am also a very feeling person. I am more than willing to share my feelings providing it is with a safe person.
I’m a thinker (ISTJ, more specifically).
I don’t feel threatened or offended if someone asks me to talk about my feelings. I don’t really experience emotions, not in the way feelers seem to at least. I’ve never smashed things out of anger. I’ve never screamed at the top of my lungs. I’ve never gotten violent with people. I haven’t become overwhelmed to the point that have to shut down. I haven’t cried since I was a toddler.
So if someone asks me how I’m doing, “alright” will be my response, regardless of what happened. If anyone asks me to expand, I just… don’t have anything to say about it.
I’m a Capricorn with a Cancer moon and Cancer rising. Yeah, it’s fun living in my brain.
I score very high on the analytical/driver categories (almost exclusively, as a matter of fact) and don’t share any emotional information except in appropriate situations.
In my relationships, I have learned over the years to discuss what I’m feeling – usually the hard way. Looking at the situation in a logical manner, I have to admit that expecting another human being to understand what I’m feeling without verbalizing it is unreasonable.
In my work as a manager, I have to deal with much more emotional personality types, and lots of them. I’ve learned to “fake it”, which sounds worse that it really is. I don’t pretend emotions that I don’t feel, I merely try to approach an issue from another perspective and try to figure out what it is that they need from me to solve a problem.
I don’t mind. I consider myself to be articulate. I love expressing myself.
I’m fairly similar to @tranquilsea. I am sensitive to peoples verbal expressions of their feelings but I am too often clueless in the face of non-verbal expression of feelings, except in a one to one situation. I struggle to express my feelings when asked, but can manage it with a great deal of effort.
I am very emotional (my husband says I’m passionate). I tend to feel things on an extremely high level. When asked about my feelings, I could go on and on most times. I’ve had to learn to control that though. When making decisions, I mostly follow my feelings, but I will also think about the situation before making a final decision (another thing I had to learn to do over time).
My husband is a thinker. He would base every decision in life on logic until recently. He’s started following his emotions more in the past year or so (especially the last 6 months since he deployed), but he still always thinks about things before listening to his feelings.
I don’t have a problem saying what I think ;)
I usually score smack dab in the middle of tests that assess whether one is a thinker or a feeler. I seem to swing both ways (Haha), dependant upon circumstance. I can react in whichever way is most appropriate at the time. I consider this ability one of my assets.
I think a lot…almost too much then I say what is on my mind…often to the dismay of others.
I had an old boyfriend tell me often that I thought too much….for a girl. I know I should have been really pissed off at him for that comment but he was one of the few guys who I could actually talk to.
I’ve never had any trouble with both (or either).
I have the ENTP personality type, but I am very self aware also.
I can easily describe my feelings.
Happy, sad, amused, frusterated…whatever…just ask, I’ll tell you. lol.
I am very intuitive and blow friends away by pegging their emotional climates very accurately.
I read people very well.
I can write reasonably well about my emotions, but find it very difficult to talk about them. I’m INTJ, but Aspergers Syndrome is the ruling factor here.
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