Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

Does anyone else miss Ben's mug?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) July 11th, 2010

When users leave Fluther, we are usually blessed with Ben’s mug when visiting their page. This is what we see now.

Opinions? Do you miss Ben? maybe a little?

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45 Answers

kenmc's avatar

I noticed that, too. It doesn’t really matter. I just have no idea why they changed it.

Jude's avatar

I miss the mug. That lovely mug.

gemiwing's avatar

Yeah, I do. It always made me laugh. in a good way

lillycoyote's avatar

I don’t know. To me, in that photo, he looked like he’d just woken up with a bad hangover and I always felt like I should say “Oh! Sorry” shut the door and not bother him.

phaedryx's avatar

I like it. Who is the artist?

jonsblond's avatar

@phaedryx Great question! Maybe someone will fill us in. :)

breedmitch's avatar

I do miss Ben’s bed-head.
I do not miss evelyn’s pet zebra

rangerr's avatar

The artist for the new picture is a Fluther user. :)
As much as I like Ben’s face… this is much better.

jrpowell's avatar

Dave Stolte is the artist. He is PupnTaco here. His other work can be found here. He is a super great guy. I helped him get search working on his blog in exchange for a illustration for mine. I fixed his search and 24 hours later he sent me a awesome illustration.

wundayatta's avatar

I believe that he was getting tired of the Papparazzi.

cookieman's avatar

I was gonna say ‘yes’, but then I saw that awesome illustration by @PupnTaco and all is right with the world.

I’ve always liked his work, but that squid piece is just the bee’s knees.

And I do miss evelyns_pet_zebra

Jeruba's avatar

What? Oh, no! I loved the old image! This illustration is not at fault, but it lacks that endearingly ingenuous expression of bewilderment and that rumpled hair. O fluther, where art thou?

Ludy's avatar

who’s ben???

breedmitch's avatar

To clarify: I miss Ben’s pic but I lurve Dave’s art.

cookieman's avatar

@Ludy: One of the two founders of Fluther. And, hey…welcome to the lagoon.

anartist's avatar

we want ben. we want ben. we want ben. we want ben in the poo hat.

augustlan's avatar

I’m so torn! I love Dave’s artwork, and think it’s perfect for the site (in fact, I own one of his works, and suggested Andrew use him for this kind of thing)… but Ben’s picture was certainly hilarious.

jrpowell's avatar

Maybe they can post a page with just the images of “Hungover Ben” and “Bandagedrew” so we can look at them whenever we need a good chuckle.

augustlan's avatar

@johnpowell I would love that. That Andrew pic for “We did something. Internally.” is awesome.

anartist's avatar

@augustlan good news they are found!
Ben and
Ben again

What was that Andrew pic like?

jrpowell's avatar

@anartist :: If I remember correctly Andrew took a racquetball to the left eye. The picture was him with a bandage over his eye. It was pretty funny if you like seeing people that are in pain.

anartist's avatar

So what about the cat from hell who sometimes offers himself as an avatar and sometimes destroys the servers like a Dilbert nightmare? Who is that?

gemiwing's avatar

I haven’t seen any art- just words. Must find broken link!

augustlan's avatar

@gemiwing You can also see it here.

gemiwing's avatar

@augustlan Thanks!

Now I’m completely torn. The graphic is amazing…but so is Mr Bedhead…..but polka dots…but..but…

I love them both! polygraphicamoury?

Jeruba's avatar

Where’s the one of Ben all banged up and bandaged?

There’s a different feel to the new art because of the angry expression instead of a befuddled one. The situation looks disastrous for somebody (is that the user inside the sub? is the user a victim? or a punished transgressor? the ’!’ indicates alarm). The scene suggests death and destruction, not a benign, humorous error. (I know, users never disappeared by benign, humorous error—that’s a bit misleading too, but not threatening.)

I also wish we didn’t have to see “Doh.” Anywhere. Ever.

jca's avatar

bring back the mug!!

Ludy's avatar

still bring Ben’s back!!! :)

jonsblond's avatar

Damn. He ate Darkscribe. I miss him.

SundayKittens's avatar

Why would anyone leeeeavvvve.I want a definitive list of who these defectors are. NOW!!!

bob_'s avatar

@SundayKittens Around here, we don’t appreciate orders.

Now go make me a sandwich.

SundayKittens's avatar

@bob Pick a switch.

sakura's avatar

When sid evltns pet zebra leave?

bob_'s avatar

Man, that sea dude sure has been adding folks to his diet lately.

breedmitch's avatar

Yes he has.

YARNLADY's avatar

I miss him, but I like the new cartoon now.

Nullo's avatar

The pic is in Fluther’s photobucket, if you ever feel like looking at it.

gailcalled's avatar

edit: Mods missed my misspelling of “insensed” which should have been “incensed.”

breedmitch's avatar

You’ve punished yourself enough over it, I’m sure. The collective forgives you, Maudie.

gailcalled's avatar

Oh, Harold. Pecavvi.
Indulgeo mihi

Jeruba's avatar

Now work on peccavi.

SundayKittens's avatar

Where is himmmmm?

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