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jazmina88's avatar

How far back do you trim your bushes?

Asked by jazmina88 (11657points) July 12th, 2010

I AM NOT talking body parts here. I am talking about the bushes outside in your yard. My Mom wants to pay these guys to whack them off pretty short, but I just tend to take off the outer growth and let the core grow in love.

Can you kill a bush by trimming back too much??

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7 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

It totally depends of what kind of bushes you are talking about. Wikipedia has a list of different shrubbery which you can consult and then consult the listing for your particular type.

You can call you local plant nursery and ask them.

jazmina88's avatar

That is an awesome resource….It’s a basic bush. pine needle type…..with long tendrils.
i know my jasmine, rosemary, dogwood, but not just a bush.

BoBo1946's avatar

Good question and I’m very interested what other say on this question. I’ve lots of strubbs, etc. in my back yard. Bought a high powered hedger to cut some of it back. Probably will wait until fall before doing it.

pearls's avatar

I don’t pay any attention because the community development in my neighborhood takes care of that for me.

betterdays's avatar

If your shrubs are prunned back too far during extreme heat conditions, your shrubs will possibly go into shock. There is not a basic rule for trimming all plants due to their growth
habits, flowering cycles, etc. If you are unsure as to what type of shrub you have, cut a portion off and take it to a local nursery. They will be able to identify the plant and give you
directions for correct pruning. If your plant is diseased, place your sample in a baggie in order that you don’t carry the disease into the nursery.

gailcalled's avatar

Pruning is not one-size-fits-all. It is an art and depends on whether it flowers, when it flowers, what its natural shape is (weeping, lollipop, buzz cut) and what your needs are. Google the plant itself for pruning tips.

I prune my forsythia (alone in a field) differently from a taxus yew under deck. Actually the deer usually do it for me. Every spring I clip off the branches of fruit trees that hang low enough to hit lawnmower guy in the face, and I remove all the deadwood on rose bushes.

XOIIO's avatar

I was wondering why there wasn’t NSFW LOL

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