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bob_'s avatar

What was your college experience like?

Asked by bob_ (21942points) July 12th, 2010

I came across Asher Roth’s ‘I love college’ the other day. I thought it was funny, but not exactly an accurate description of my college experience. While that was in part because I attended a school in my hometown (and therefore didn’t move out of my parents’ house), I was no party animal during my semester abroad. What about you? Did you love college like Asher, were you an all-books kind of student, or somewhere in between? Do you wish it had been different?

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25 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I had my share of days and nights similar to that. Our Frat knew how to throw the biggest and best parties that school ever saw! I knew enough to get my studying done at the library! HS those were some crazy days!

kenmc's avatar

I went to a community college for 2 semesters so its a boring experience.

BoBo1946's avatar

Best time of my life! Playing SEC basketball, girls, parties, etc. can i do that over!

Austinlad's avatar

Great!—but not so much for the experience itself as for what it led me to. Encouraged by my English Lit professor, I moved to New York, continued college, and started the career I wanted and probably could not have pursued had I not left Texas.

CaptainHarley's avatar

My parents didn’t have the money to send me away to school, so I attended a local college and stayed at him at night. So although my college experience was good, it could have been a lot better ( or, alternatively, a lot worse! ). : )

Aster's avatar

It was a cross between alcoholic indulgence and learning. Meeting and breaking up. Making B’s and an F. Insane would be a pretty definitive word.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I was a very serious and committed student and found academia stimulating and enriching (not monetarily). I had to take a two year hiatus to help my family after my first degree. After returning to university, I completed a second major and then completed an MA and a PhD. By the time I graduated, I had been working in academic medical research for years and I continued in that career until I has to retire due to disability. University was my world from 1970 to 2004. I thrived in that environment intellectually even through years when my personal and family life crumbled.

judochop's avatar

I started college a year earlier than all of my friends so I partied a hole bunch my first year. The second year I left for active duty military so I took classes as I could (hey I needed the money). I did not finish until I got out in 96. I then moved to Portland, Oregon and started taking classes towards another degree however I did not complete them.
There are so many things that get under my skin. One of them being people that only talk about themselves and people that talk like they know everything. College made me want to scream at times and hug others endlessly. I’ve since realized that my hangups with others are the things that hang me up.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I am actually going to start in college in August, I want to do all my school work and get good grades, and also be a little of a party animal at the same time…I regret my days in high school cause then I was not that social but I will make some changes

the cause is because I am shy:IO

dynamicduo's avatar

I was a great student for the first two years and an above average student during the last two. I wisely chose to go to an in-province and in-city University and live at home instead of going and living in a dorm, which saved me at least $10,000 every year. I also worked all throughout my four years which opened a lot of future doors for me. I graduated without any student debt, which was a key in getting me to where I am currently, and is hands down the first piece of advise I would offer to possible university- (and college-)goers. During that time I learned the value of friendship, the low value of the education itself, how corrupt the university system is, and how inflated the ‘purpose’ of a degree had become during the past decade. I also learned that most of the value of college becomes what you make of it – learning the subject matter was interesting but not nearly as interesting as meeting all these new people, many of whom have influenced my life either by being a friend or by offering a career opportunity or knowledge, etc. The #1 thing I learned, though, was that odds are high you won’t end up in a job related to your area of study, so keeping your mind open to new opportunities is so valuable. My major? Interactive design. My current job? Farmer!

YARNLADY's avatar

I went to a church supported college and it fell way below my expectations.

TexasDude's avatar

I’m halfway through my undergrad and so far I have:

Broken up two fights,
Administered first aid five or six times,
Talked down two suicides,
Nearly had a boulder rolled onto my car by a bunch of psychotic hillbillies (no joke)
Carried three drunks from the side of the road back to their dorms
Made a metric crap load of money off extra scholarships,
Climbed a frozen 75 ft tower of wood in the middle of February (a requirement for a class)
Slept in various places (barn, woods, car, closet, etc.)
Recreated the Battle of Isandlwana with Nerf guns (over 30 people were involved)
Engaged in a large scale “fight club” where several of my friends and I just beat the crap out of each other. I lost.
Fencing battles with discarded car antennaes which turned into a scooter joust.
Maintained a 3.65 the whole time.

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I was four years younger than everyone else as an undergrad; that and a total lack of social skills equaled no extracurricular fun whatsoever. Academics and individual sports were my entire life. I was a total nerd in an era where nerd-dom was not cool. I didn’t begin to enjoy myself in college until I returned (as an Army Captain) for my second Masters degree. In an alternate universe I’m probably a creaking tenured professor somewhere.

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I tip my hat to you, sir. You are doing it the way it should be done!

TexasDude's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land, thank you sir! (Glad to see you’re still around here too!)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I let my grades slip in high school so I went to a J.C. so I missed the whole dorm/historic campus/sorority & fraternity thing. I held two jobs, lived on my own and was mostly drop dead tired, happy just to get on and stay on the honors list.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I feel like I wrote a really good response to this long ago but since I’ll never find it was both difficult and amazing, it was enlightening, it changed my life and my thinking and I learned more outside of classes than in but I’d go back in a heartbeat.

perspicacious's avatar

I finished college as an adult in the evenings while working full time. I loved it.

jazmina88's avatar

I loved music school in Murray, KY. i had way way too much fun, so it was just right. Music is awesome. Hot musicians galore…....early 80s….when everything was fun. I even liked music history. 8:30 am. I would write on my notes….BHBC bong hit before class…...and i had over a 3 point average.

wundayatta's avatar

I made some of my closest friends in college. I learned a lot. I had many first experiences (being drunk, being high, getting laid). But mostly I learned a lot. Some of it about relationships but most of it about how to think and how to learn more effectively. And Zinaida Gippius. I won’t be forgetting her—maybe ever.

She’s a poet, sillies. Get your minds out of the gutters they play in! ;-)

mattbrowne's avatar

Wonderful. But graduate school was even better.

NaturallyMe's avatar

Pretty much peaceful and uneventful. I did my degree through correspondence with a university.

mattbrowne's avatar

@bob_ – I think the parties were better. And there was less vomiting.

bob_'s avatar

@mattbrowne I, too, ♥ affording whisky.

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