Have you ever been flashed, what did you do?
Asked by
ucme (
July 12th, 2010
Guys as well as girls. Boobs, trouser snakes, bums. All manner of body furniture can be thrust at the unsuspecting “victim.” How did you react to this wanton display of exposure? Laughter, alerted the authorities or maybe a dickpunch sufficed? If this ghastly fate has yet to rear it’s ugly head, excuse the pun, how do you imagine you’d deal with it/them?
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49 Answers
hopefully, it will be today….
actually yes…in Fl on vacation, a lady sitting in front of me, opened her legs and had no underware on! believe me, wish she hadn’t!
Walked away fast, laughing with my friend.
I have been flashed by young women who were trying to get my attention. It worked. I was not offended or scared. It made for an interesting conversation starter. I would NOT hook up with a woman who does this.
I’ve been flashed a couple of times by a close friend, I just laughed it off.
But if someone I didn’t know flashed me, I’m not sure what my reaction would be.
Yes, and I told you to stop hiding in my bushes.
@pitchtheview Welcome to fluther, oh & by happy coincidence i’m awesome too. Woot ;¬}
@jjmah It’s those little pricks that gave the game away, ouch!!
When I played on the high school tennis team, we got flashed/mooned several times on the freeway. The team usually laughed and let it go, but the coaches and bus drivers were far more protective. One even took down the license plate number of the mooners and proceeded to call it in as indecent exposure.
To be fair, we were 14–18 years old, and it was pretty indecent!
Flashing? HA! I got more than a flash from the pants.
Age 12, Milwaukee County Transit bus: On my way to school when a middle-aged guy sat next to me, pulled himself out and proceeded to jerk off. I screamed, the bus driver stopped the bus and came over. The man hadn’t zipped his pants up in time. The whole bus saw his situation as the driver grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and tossed him out the back door. Even so, the other kids got mad and told me that i should be ashamed of myself for a having “a brother (!!?!!?)” get thrown off the bus. Srsly? Whatever.
Age 24, NYC Transit G train: I was going home from work one night when a dude sat on the bench opposite me and – wait for it! – pulled himself out and proceeded to jerk off. I went back to looking at my paper, even as the man made noise to try and get my attention. Maybe 15 seconds later, I got off the train as soon as it stopped and moved three cars down. A man was getting on as I left, and again, the perp hadn’t returned his situation to normal.
Eeek, I would’ve died if someone jerked off in front of me.
Flashed? No. I wish though.
How about sharking? Have any of you been sharked?
When I was in college my boyfriend had a Volks Wagen (sorry…I mean he had a SUPER BEETLE! Sorry Doug!). We were following behind some friends who were in the bed of a truck, and they were throwing ice out of a cooler at us. Well, my boyfriend tried to get me to moon our friends, which of course I refused to do…but we came up with an even BETTER plan! I was going to unobtrusively take over the wheel and the gas from the passenger side, and he was going to moon our friends over the top of the steering wheel. Worked like a charm!!! I thought the truck was going to wreck! It was sooooo funny! But, then they just dumped the entire cooler of ice at us! It was fun. Fun times. :)
I don’t know what it was about the 70s but my sister and I were more than flashed 3 different times. By the third time it wasn’t a shock anymore. When the guy opened his raincoat and started to whack off my sister said, “Is that all you got?”
She was 12 and I was 9.
@tranquilsea My story is from the 70’s too. It all started with Streaking, I think.
Reminds me of the opening titles to Cagney & Lacey. Now what did she say to that guy? You’re under a vest perhaps?
LOL! Such a patronizing-to-women show in retrospect, wasn’t it!
No, not personally. But…
My girlfriends and I were heading home on the interstate and kept passing and being passed by a car full of guys. One of the girls rolled down the window, dropped her shorts and mooned them as we passed. She was mortified when they passed us again and her boyfriend’s best friend stuck his head out of the window.
I/we got flashed on Saturday on the way to camp. HS it was hilarious and awful at the same time. I was driving a carload of 11 – 14 yr old Boy Scouts and it was pretty obvious as we were in full uniform and all of a sudden I hear all this screaming and yelling behind me and all the boys are crammed over on the right side and there was this mini van of 3 teen girls in the lane next to us and two girls at the back had their shirts up and this wasn’t a flash it was a full on press!! I tried to slow down and let them by but they slowed down and were obviously amused by the boys reactions and kept doing it!! After a minute of this, I had to make an adult effort to get away from them and did much to the boys dismay!
I have been flashed so many times by pervy men it’s rediculous! lol
Once, as a little girl, my friend and I were flashed by the proverbial guy in a trench coat. Yep, trench coat and sneakers…classic Chester the molester. haha
Ran to her parents house and her dad grabbed a broom and jumped on a bicycle…never did find him.
Her dad looked pretty silly too, peddling like a maniac with a push broom in his hand. lol
Several other car flashings, guy’s whipping it out as I walked by. :-/
BUT…the CLASSIC, a series of flashings, took place at a park near my home as a teenager.
There was a Kaiser hospital across from the park and this guy would stand in the bushes, almost daily…( maybe lunch hour? ) and would have a white hospital coat wrapped around his head to conceal his identity. ( Doctor? )
He would do the ‘pssst, pssst, ’ thing from the bushes and when you looked around all you would see was a penis sticking out of the shrubbery. lol
I dunno…something about me brings out the flasher in men. haha
Fortunetly nothing bad ever happened.
@Coloma He was doing it day after day? And no one called the police?
Oh yes, we told our parents ( 70’s too, maybe 76–77 ) they never did get the guy, but we saw him a lot as the park was a neighborhood hangout for us teens.
Of course this was waaay before cell phones.
I’ve been flashed by a lot of people… mostly my college friends. I usually just laugh and look away, or retaliate with Nerf gun fire.
“or retaliate with Nerf gun fire”
@jjmah, there’s never a dull moment in my existence.
I would probably scream ‘woo!’ or something
I flashed people before…mostly my butt…it was good times
A long time ago I went to buy a new pair of shoes for work (we had to dress up in those days). The girl that waited on me had a few buttons undone on her shirt and no bra. I was delighted every time she bent down to tie my shoe. I bought two very expensive pairs and still have one pair of them. I remember that store in Chesapeake Virginia every time I wear them. Great sales staff and excellent shoes, An unbeatable combination.
Countless times. I just laugh. Boobies, dingers, and asses are funny.
I usually laugh.
I did hide in the bushes before and then laughed
Not that I remember. I do however, remember a story that happened in a town I was living in long ago. A little blurb came out in the town paper and it read something like:
“Police were called to Main Street in the early morning on Friday to apprehend a man who had apparently flashed some bystanders and then proceeded to touch himself inappropriately. This incident happened in front of the Sticky Fingers Bakery.”
True story! : )
I’ve been flashed by a girl at a party before and my friends and I were all flashed by a group of girls on the freeway once. I just thought it was funny. :P
I mean, these were partying drunk young college-age girls. I’m sure I’d feel different if it had been some old pedophile…
If you want to be flashed, drive through the states of Kentucky and Tennessee with “just married” written on your vehicle. We got to see three asses. Three!!!
^^true story
I’ve been to clothing optional beaches (1970s) and natural hot springs (1980s) about a dozen or so times in my life where maybe two out of ten people remained clothed. You could count me among the other eight, but I guess that is not really flashing (same with nude sunbathing in the privacy of a backyard, altho you might check with the neighbors on that). Peace.
See ya…....Gary/wtf
Well, hubby was once mooned by some schoolgirls (in uniform) on his way home from work one night (they mooned out the back window of a bus) and he wasn’t at all happy about it. Neither was the driver of the bus he was on, who announced to the rest of the bus that if his daughter did something like that he’d make sure she didn’t see daylight again till she was 40 lol.
I’d probubly laugh if I were to be flashed a man’s meat and two veg, because thats just my nature. I like to think I’d throw a quip along the lines of “well that peg’s not even big enough to hang a hat on” but would likely be too busy laughing and pointing.
hugglys xx
I think I was ten when I was flashed. The guy had called me over, and I went over to him, to see what he wanted ( I was really stupid, just not as stupid as him), and he pulled his you know what out, and I hit him with the tennis racket. I then ran to my dad, saying ” a man tried getting me to touch his worm, and I think I killed it.” It wasn’t hard to find the guy either, because I wasn’t the only one he tried doing that to.
Yes, a few times. I usually just kept walking. Once it happened when my girls were little and they were with me. I had the guy arrested. The police were actually looking for him—he seemed to have been quite an active flasher and there were several other warrants for him for other types of things.
Once as a teenager I was a passenger in the car my mother was driving. I looked over to the right on the freeway and this horrid man was GRINNING this Satanic grin and… did it. And he was driving at the time. Luckily I wasn’t wearing glasses; my eyesight was worse than it is now . I didn’t say anything but was scared and upset and embarrassed. He left on an exit . Then a couple minutes later he passed us and did it again. It really wouldn’t have been so upsetting to me if it were not for that great big grin on his face. I was pretty innocent then; that makes a big difference.
Once I was walking home from the store with a slurpee I got there. I decided to take the alley because it was faster.
Near the edge of a building, this homeless lady with supreme drug and addiction problems we all knew well was squatting and releasing a great big dump. I looked at her with these big saucer anime eyes, and she smiled at me with these darkened, broken teeth.
I don’t know if that counts, but I’ve never had a slurpee ever since that day.
@Symbeline It doesn’t count as flashing, but it’s a great story! And now the Fluther parents know how to get their kids to kick a Slurpee addiction.
Your story reminds me of a story told by a friend who lived in downtown Chicago. There was a homeless woman who camped out on the sidewalk and would offer men the opportunity feel her breast for a dollar.
I’d do it.
Haha I’m joking…I find this quite sad, actually. :(
@Symbeline She probably made more money than I did as a hotel manager. But yes, I agree…sad indeed.
Maybe that sighting was like one of those tests in the old fairy tales. You know, will the young maiden give the old crone a ladle of well water? lol
Then, in return for her kindness the crone becomes a fairy godmother or something and blesses you with jewels falling from your lips every time you speak.
Maybe you were supposed to give up your slurpee to the crone.
Or..maybe not. lololol
Actually, no word of a lie, I ended up giving that slurpee to some Punk further down that alley when he asked for it. I woulda just threw it out anyways.
As for that woman, most of the times I saw her she was yelling at air or passed out, and one time, on my way to the bus stop for school she threw glass bottles at me.
I guess fairytales just ain’t what they used to be.
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