General Question

john65pennington's avatar

Is it required to renew your anti-virus license with AVG?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) July 12th, 2010

One of the customer reps. from AVG and i got into a debate today, concerning a required renewal of my AVG anit-virus program. AVG says its a requirement and i say “show me where it states this on the program i purchased last year at WalMart”. its not there in writing. i am wondering if this is a gimmic? i had Norton anit-virus and only paid for the program one time. that was three years ago. so, what’s with AVG? if their program is required to be renewed each year, than why is this not stated in the original CD package i purchased? is this a scam?

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4 Answers

theichibun's avatar

Nobody can make you renew the program. You won’t get the newest version, and maybe won’t get some upgrades, but that’s it.

That being said, you can have your computer perfectly well protected using only free things and common sense.

bunnygrl's avatar

Goodness, that is some kind of heavy pressure selling. No, there is positively, absolutely no requirement on you to renew your license. When you bought your programme originally, you bought a time limited (usually one year) license, and even during that time, you are perfectly free to replace it with another programme. When that time runs out your contract with AVG comes to an end, unless you choose to renew it. The important point here is choice. The programme is still yours to use, it just won’t get automatic updates etc. I use the windows free software from microsoft and have been for a while now, its great, it updates itself automatically to keep your computer safe and runs scans, everything a bought programme does. There is no need any more to pay for expensive programs and the anti virus companys all know this, hence the scare tactics they’ve resorted to using.

FutureMemory's avatar

They’re lying to you.

At most, you need to renew the license if you want to keep using the full version of the program. So in that sense it’s required, but only if YOU want to continue using it.

Andreas's avatar

@john65pennington I’ve used AVG for years, downloaded from their website. It’s free for personal use. Was it definitely a rep from AVG or a rep from a company selling software, including AVG? If it’s the latter and you don’t renew, then they won’t get their commission from AVG.

If you run a business then it’s necessary to buy a paid version, and the last time I looked, it was for two-years on the licence. I recommend checking the AVG website.

Refer here

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