General Question

jonsblond's avatar

Has anyone successfully saved their home from foreclosure once a sale date has been set?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) July 12th, 2010

Do you know of anyone, or have you saved your home from foreclosure? If so, how? If you wish to stay anonymous, can you pm me please?

If bankruptcy is out of the question, what options do we have, if any? Can I trust a company that wants $2000 to work with our lender?

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5 Answers

Andreas's avatar

I can’t give you an answer to your question. However, on the face of it, paying $2000.00 to anyone to do something that maybe you could do seems very foolish to me. I think someone may be trying to scam you on that one.

Either you can reach an agreement with the lender, or you can’t. No third party will be in a better position than you to plead your case.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Don’t give your money to anyone approaching you right now, it’s a scam. As soon as our home was on the country records as having an auction date then we had all kinds of people coming to the house in person and mailing stuff to us to suddenly in the eleventh hour offer help. We didn’t even know we were being set for an auction. Have you contacted a realtor to attempt a short sale? Sometimes your lender will accept a short sale offer which is less on your credit record than a foreclosure. We’ve got a month to go on our sale but so far no offers and I doubt there will be any at auction time either.

SuperMouse's avatar

Have you tried the Making Home Affordable? Since the divorce I have been under a huge financial strain and have been staring down the barrel of foreclosure myself. When I spoke to my lender they referred me to this program and it seems to be my last , best hope.

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jonsblond's avatar

@john11 We let the bank take the house six months ago. We are renting now, and very happy we left that piece of shit house. but I have a feeling you’re spam and not reading this, so never mind ;)

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