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filmfann's avatar

Let's get the hottub ready at the 10K mansion for our newest member!

Asked by filmfann (52571points) July 13th, 2010

It’s Coloma! Let’s give a big shout out, and let her feel properly congratulated!

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78 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yay!!! Congratulations to a nice lady! I love reading your comments and answers:)

AstroChuck's avatar

Holy Moley!
Congrats to you, Coloma! You are one hell of a great jelly!
Now, pancakes and mojitos for everyone! And all is to be enjoyed in the giant 10K hot tub! Fan-freaking-tastic!

(Clothing optional.)

janbb's avatar

I’ll bring the ducks and the pet goats to make you feel right at home @Coloma.

You add a certain je ne sait quoi to Fluther!

Congrats on the achievement!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Daaaaaang, girl! You go to 10K with a quickness! As the kids say.

Congratulations to Miss Joie de Vivre 2010! Champers and all that right over here!

filmfann's avatar

Big congrats to a fellow NorCal’r! Call me when it rains! WTG!

Aster's avatar

Congrats, Coloma. Stay.

Jude's avatar

She has a heart of gold, a beautiful personality and is funny to boot! She’s a rare gem, folks, and one of my favorite jellies. She’s a lover of nature and her stories about her pet geese warm my heart. She loves her babies!!!

From one animal/nature lover to another, congrats Colomba!!!!!!! I’m so glad that you decided make this place your “home”...

I was looking forward to this. :)

syz's avatar

Wow, that was fast! Congratulations!

le_inferno's avatar

Congrats!! Always sweet, insightful, and positive, great to have you here :D

knitfroggy's avatar

Congrats to you!!!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

rebbel's avatar

Lol! HaHa LOLOL lol Ha Con Lol gra Haha tu LOLations! (lol)
Haha! K 10 K

tinyfaery's avatar

Damn. You sure zoomed into the 10K mansion. Congrats.

AmWiser's avatar

Helllooooo up there!!! I have enjoyed all the great partays and this one is no exception. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!! Enjoy mansion and the hot tub:D!!

I really enjoy your comments and answers.

ubersiren's avatar

Congratulations, Coloma! One of the great jellies, for sure. You deserve a fireworks show, similar to, but better than getting to the end of a world in the original Super Mario Bros.

IMSORRY's avatar

Congratulations..hope you get many more lurve….

rebbel's avatar

You too, @IMSORRY !
Welcome to Fluther.

Vunessuh's avatar

Congratulations! =)

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @Coloma! You have not been here long, but you have made an impact. I love your stories of your life, your sense of fun, your love of animals and nature.

Great going, lady!

wilma's avatar

YAY!!! Coloma!! WoW! You are a fast one! I Love reading what you have to say.

chyna's avatar

Congrats! That was a quick climb! Wecome to the mansion.

Coloma's avatar

Awww..thanks guy’s. :-)

Yep..who’d of thought, come home from a vacation, find Fluther…where has the time gone? lol

You know..the coolest thing about all these congrats is that now I have documentation of all those I like the most too!

jazmina88's avatar

Coloma!! Loma Loma bo Boma!!!

Love these free spirits, especially you, my pal!!!!

Congrats!!! So happy for you!!

geese of a feather…...

liminal's avatar

Yay!! Congrats! You know when to stand firm and when to be laid back. Glad you are here!

MissAusten's avatar

@Coloma Congrats and welcome to the mansion! Are you going to cook up scrambled goose eggs for breakfast?!?!

jca's avatar


zephyr826's avatar

Huzzah and Hooray for Coloma! Way to go, girl!

Coloma's avatar


Sure! Just bring your cholesterol printout so I don’t have to worry about you keeling over in my nest! lol

Dog's avatar


IBERnineD's avatar


I feel as though that hot tub is going to be way to crowded once I finally join you all.

loser's avatar

Congrats! We lurve you!!!

Likeradar's avatar


—-@IBERnineD It’s a magic hot tub. It expands.—

Seaofclouds's avatar


Trillian's avatar

Congratulations. Looks like I got here late. Are there any of those little sandwiches left?

janbb's avatar

@bob ate them all!

Jude's avatar

He smooshed them all together and made one big sammich.

Trillian's avatar

Damn you @bob!

Coloma's avatar

I have fudge cicles and a real hot tub…forget the sandwiches…boring! lol

casheroo's avatar


Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Now I really feel good about my 10K @Coloma is here.

shego's avatar

Congrats @Coloma way to go!

OreetCocker's avatar

Great job @Coloma, nice work :-)

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, goose-lady!

Your_Majesty's avatar

Congratulation Coloma! A lot of laugh I see.

Cruiser's avatar

Hey Hey! Congrats on the 10 grand @Coloma! I have really enjoyed getting to know you and thanks for sharing your world here!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Goose crap on a stick, I missed the big party. Congrats to a wise and insightful lady. May the sun always feel warm on your face and the geese never nip you in the butt. :)

erichw1504's avatar

Congratulations @Coloma. A job well done!!!

SuperMouse's avatar

Congratulations Coloma!

CMaz's avatar

I want to go back to the 10k mansion! They are REALLY getting the party started. :-)

Congratulations Coloma!

Coloma's avatar’s an all nighter and a next dayer too!

Okay everyone…drain the kegs! lol

bhec10's avatar


Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulation on 10k! Great job!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Congratulations!!!! YaaaaaHOOOOOOO!!!

@janbb and @Trillian It’s OK, guys. BOB_’S BUYIN’ THE DRINKS!!!!

Coloma's avatar

Actually the mornng after is always good too..last year I threw a huge bash with 2 live bands and camping on my property. ‘Burning Goose’. lol

Had 3 huge tables of food, a keg of Sierra Nevada pale ale, about 40 cases of local wine…the best part was eating all the wierd leftovers the next morning.
Sittin’ on the deck in our jammies with the shades on hoping the spinache dip was still viable. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG!! I am so there @Coloma! And here I’ve been dreaming about a fish sandwich from Mickey D’s!

Coloma's avatar

Lol…my avatar shows the flyer I put together..don’t think anyone can read my phone number..but..if you can..give a ringy dingy. hahahahaha

Yep…mght pull off the sequel before summers end, or next year again..all you NorCal peeps are welcome! Bring a tent, and I’ll provide the porta-potties. :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…does NorKan count?

Coloma's avatar


Come one come all…get on your magic bus!

Okay..good eyes Miss Kansas…I’m a bit loopy with a head cold over here. Sooo..delete the flyer that shows my phone number and replace it with the Burning Goose himself..‘Marwyn.’ lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Coloma The Burning Goose! LOL! That’s one hot duckie you got there!

BoBo1946's avatar

Awww…it’s really fun to congrat a good friend from N. Ca.! Thank you for helping me out on certain occasions on Fluther.

mangeons's avatar

Wow, congrats @Coloma! You definitely deserve to be in the club, and I’m sure they’ll welcome you with open arms!

Coloma's avatar


Yes, he was stylin’ in his orange lei on party night. He’s Mr. social..of course, the fact that everyone was feeding him french bread didn’t hurt, he really worked the party. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

French bread???? ROFL!!!!! I gotta meet da goose one of these days!

cookieman's avatar


Hey…nice goose.

erichw1504's avatar

Woot woot!!! Go @Coloma! Keep on lurvin’!

forestGeek's avatar

Happy 10K…a congratulations and cheers to you Coloma!!

cookieman's avatar

So…are we all nekkid in this Hot Tub you speak of?

Coloma's avatar


Is there any other way to be in a hot tub? lol

Grab a fig leaf for the bathroom run, or just go in the woods, no one there but the weresheep. lol

cookieman's avatar

@Coloma: OK, good. Just want to make sure I have the images in my head straight.

breedmitch's avatar

Congrats to the best addition to the collective in a very long time.
Well deserved!!

Kayak8's avatar

Sweeeeet! Congratulations on this indication of your fabulous answers to our questions and your fabulous questions for our consideration!

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Lovely! I’m so glad. You’ve totally earned it. :)

FutureMemory's avatar

Way to go Coloma :)

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Congratulations! The Mansion will now have a duck pond.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@stranger_in_a_strange_land NOOOO!!! Not the jacuzzi!!! NOOOO!......... Aw. Crap. Now there is duck poop in the jacuzzi…. :(

mattbrowne's avatar

This is an amazing, amplitudinous, astonishing, astronomical, awe-inspiring, beatified, bizarre, boundless, breathtaking, colossal, cosmic, daunting, eerie, elevated, ennobled, enormous, enshrined, exalted, excellent, formidable, galactic, gargantuan, gigantic, glorified, grand, heavenly, honorable, huge, immeasurable, immortal, imposing, incredible, infinite, lofty, mammoth, massive, mighty, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, moving, mysterious, overwhelming, prodigious, stirring, stunning, stupefying, stupendous, sublime, terrific, time-honored, titanic, tremendous, unbelievable, uncanny, unutterable, venerable, voluminous, and wonderful accomplishment !!

Buttonstc's avatar

How on earth did I miss this? Oh yeah, I was AWOL for a few days due to RL stuff.

Too bad I’m stuck in the middle of the country here or I’d hop up to Cal. for your hot tub party. You’re really a rockin’ chick and I could bring my kitteh to play with yours ha ha.

Congrats to you. That was a quick trip up the 10K ladder. You deserve the honor.

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