General Question

charliecompany34's avatar

How do you recover your original laptop desktop icons?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) July 13th, 2010

ok, one day i’m downloading music from limewire from my desktop and the next day, “limewire” is gone as well as my personal background screen. a virus? i don’t know. my wife’s screen was untouched.

how do i get back my original desktop icons or are they gone forever? also lost 400 songs loaded on my IPOD trying to reset stuff.

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3 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I am sorry that i can’t be of help concerning your icons, but if you want to keep downloading music it might be a better idea to use Frostwire, which is said to be Limewire without ad- and (possible) spyware.

BhacSsylan's avatar

Definitely sounds like a virus. I assume you have no antivirus, so I’d suggest trying to download Malwarebytes antimalware and then another free antivirus that monitors (malwarebytes only scans unless you pay for it). My personal recommendation is Microsoft Security Essentials, Though Avira also comes highly recommended, i believe.

If you can’t access one or more of those sites, you’re looking at a more serious virus. in that case, download malwarebytes on a different, uninfected computer, put it on a flash drive, and install it on yours that way. Be sure to scan the drive afterwards, though, as it may become infected.

If you do all that and they find no viruses, then I’m a little lost, but try this for now.

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