Are you a runner? Are you interested in running? Would you like to participate in a Fluther running club?
In the same spirit as the progress threads, I would love to have a Fluther “running club” thread. You can post daily training updates, questions, advice, tips, or requests for a kick start.
I sure could use a place to talk incessantly about running as I am coming up on my first half-marathon in 12 days, and I think everyone I know is just about sick of hearing me talk about running.
All levels (especially beginners!) welcome.
What do you guys think, would you be interested in participating? If so, what are your goals? How was your run today? Are you interested in starting to run and don’t know how? Let’s get this thing going!
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74 Answers
I’m in!
I started running again about a week ago (faithfully. A year ago, I ran every other day). I’m working on building endurance. Would love to hear what others have to say about running and be in on the discussions.
I need to get back into running desperately! I’m in… although since I haven’t run seriously in over a year, I expect a serious congratulations the first time I do 3 whole blocks. :)
@nikipedia….i am not a runner but how much are you running every day??
I used to run. Now I just hot tub.
I’ll join a hot tub marathon. lol
Once my bone scan has been done I’d be in for a gimpy run tally as my shins are crappy right now.
The only running I do these days is to the toilet! When I’m caught short!! :-/
Besides with my dodgy knee I’d maybe get twenty yards then have to call a taxi! :-/
Good luck with the recruitment, get back to me if you need a marshal ;-)
Yes I started running again I am at just under half a mile want to get to about 3 miles as a regular run but able to run 5 occasionally.
Sign me up! I am more of a sprint short distance runner…5 one minute sprints interspersed with 5 one minute walks. 10–12 minutes is all mine takes and I feel great plus I avoid the grind long distance running would have on my hips.
Ok, I’ve been wanting to get back in to trail running. Motivate me!!
I’m in too. :)
Here’s my story:
I’m a beginner, I suppose. I try to run longer distances, for functional endurance.
My record for distance at an uninterrupted jog is 1,7 kilometres. That was about two weeks ago.
In general my goal is to have a useful body.
As it is, my physical condition is rather lopsided towards reasonably well-developed strength and pathetically poor stamina. I haven’t been working enough on cardio exercise.
I also take an interest in Le Parkour. And a traceur who’s no good at running is about as useful as a baker who’s no good at baking things.
I run on Sundays and Thursdays, and whenever I’m too impatient to walk normally.
What are your training schedules? What’s recommended?
Try this:
1. Running is good for your health. It exercises the heart, it burns body fat and it gives you more energy.
2. Being good at running is useful. You can get around faster, catch more buses, save time.
3. Being good at running could save your life in an emergency, or that of someone else. You’ll be glad you can run when someone tries to mug you, or when someone you care about needs help right now.
4. Running is fun. It helps to get your blood pumping and take your mind off other things for a moment.
5. Long-distance running is our unique skill in the animal kingdom; humans can run longer distances than any other animal. It’s the one physical skill we’re the best at. We should honour our genetic heritage and cultivate this special ability.
Running is just an elementary skill everyone should have, at least on a basic level.
@Fyrius Oh, believe me, I know all of the reasons that I should. My problem is the excuses for why I don’t.
Welcome, everyone!!!
@Likeradar: Do it! Taking that first step is the hardest, most important part! I’ll congratulate you as soon as you get your shoes on and get out the door! How about it? Can you do a quick little run/walk today?
@jazmina88: My usual route is a 4.7 mile loop. I do this most days with a long run (8–10 miles) on the weekend, and I’m working in at least one day of sprints each week, too.
@Coloma: Do you want to get back into it? What’s stopping you? :)
@tranquilsea: Keep us posted!
@Scooby: You gotta go easy on those knees. Do you do any other kind of exercise?
@aveffects: Great!!!! Keep us posted on your progress!
@Cruiser: That’s awesome! Have you thought about running a short race, like a 5k?
@syz: How about this: what do you love about trail running? What do you miss about it?
@Fyrius: Parkour has always amazed me. That’s incredible! Your schedule should really depend on your goals. Is there a particular distance you hope to be able to run, or a specific pace you want to achieve? It took me probably 7–8 months of consistent run/walk intervals to be able to run 2 miles (3.2 km) without stopping, so don’t feel bad if your progress is slow… you’ll get there :)
I’m in or at least am in until my knee gives and am permanently tied to a bike.
I ran from my bedroom to the kitchen.
Day 1: successful.
@nikipedia First, let me say that mine is not a runner’s body. I’ve always been a good sprinter, but stamina eludes me. Plus, I’m missing most of the innards of my left knee. Plus, I’m old. And sadly out of shape. And I hate running on the road -boring, boring, boring, especially when you run to some arbitrarily decided spot and then turn around and run back.
And then I found trail running. Initially, I was so busy trying not to die, I didn’t haven’t have time to notice how miserable I was (rocks, gullies, ravines, creeks, cliffs, roots, startled deer). Then, as I got in better shape, I started noticing the woodpecker, the tadpoles in the creek I jumped over, the scent of native plants in bloom. Plus, I could get a really good workout in, in spite of the fact that I didn’t do much mileage – if you choose hilly or steep trails, you can work your ass off.
But when you stop, it’s amazing how fast it all goes away. Sigh. I’ll guess it’s time to start over.
I’m going for a job right now. I’ve been putting it off all day.
Well, @nikipedia got me started and has been keeping up with my few (so far) workouts.
I started running on the 4th of July after having a professional running shoe fitting at road runner sports.. I’m logging an average 3.3 miles a day.
Feeling great so far and will update regularly. (In fact all my workouts get recorded online on
So I’m in! are we going to make t-shirts? how about a photobucket group if we do?
“So I’m in! are we going to make t-shirts? how about a photobucket group if we do?”
I’m not a runner but I support this thread!
I had a 3 mile walk, sprint routine going for years and years. 5–6 days a week and up to 5k once a week. I live in the low mountains so my workout was extra effective with all the hills. I also rode horses and worked out with weights as well, and had a sparring bag set up on my deck.
I was smokin’ hot! lol
Yes, I do want to get back into it, have gone soft this last few years since I moved to my new house. I got into a comfortable place, finanacially and personally and dropped off the walking wagon.
I learned a BIG lesson…don’t ever stop, getting back in your groove takes about 100 times more effort than maintaining to begin with.
Yep I’m in. I have been running for the last 30 years and I have a love/hate relationship with it. I hate it before I get out the door. Once I am out there, I love it and espcially the way I feel when it is over. I take my dingo mutt, she can go forever! She has her saddle bags and carries our phone and some water and bags for her pit stops. I am old enough and wise enough that I don’t have a prescribed schedule, if I feel like going for 2 hours, I do. If I feel tired and spent after 15 minutes, I stop and just walk for a while. My favorite is to run hard for 2 minutes then walk fast for 2 minutes. That way we can do up to 20k without too much pain, heheheh. We used to run in the bush and that was great, now we have kilometers of bike tracks to run through the city and all around, plus along the beach, it is heavenly.
So what keeps me inspired is to look around me at most 65 year olds and see what they can do and then look at myself and my health and I keep on going. I am afraid if I stop, I would not be able to start again!!! is great, and also has so many programs and plans if you like structure. And when you are just starting, a plan might be good for you.
Good idea @nikipedia GQ to you!
@drClaw: Welcome! Keep us posted and be careful out there!
@rangerr: We’ll make a runner out of you yet!!
@syz: I hear ya. I’m a short, chubby, dorky white girl. Never meant to be a runner. But isn’t it so much sweeter to accomplish something that doesn’t come naturally? :) Sounds like it’s time for a fresh start! How about tonight? Just a few minutes out there on the trails, some running, some walking, lots of enjoying the beautiful scenery?
@Dr_C: Heck yeah! Maybe we could do some “before and after” photo shoots?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir: Do you wanna be one? :) We could make it happen!
@Coloma: Words of wisdom right there. So you ready to get back into it? Start small! You’ll feel great when you’re done!
@rooeytoo: I love it. That was great to read! Very inspiring. Keep us posted on your runs, long and short!
Well, I will not be running today. I’m worried I’ve been overtraining and my time slowed way down this past week, so today I’ll be going to my last swimming class and taking it easy. Going to the grocery store tonight to get as much high-protein, low-fat food as I can find to keep my muscles building!
@nikipedia I had a 5:38 mile in high school. Totally on the track team.. I’d run about 3 miles every morning. Then Ihit college and got lazy.
@jjmah: Tell us about your run today! Where do you go? How was it?
@rangerr: Don’t you miss it???
On the physical side of things I bench press my own body weight, 16stone every three minutes of my working day, which can be up to ten hours, seven days a week, my upper body strength for my size @ 5’ 11” is quite something, just my knees let me down :-/
you do the math, my arms are huge! :-/ & with a fifty inch chest!!!
@nikipedia Oh, don’t start – I think I’d get obsessive about it…I’d rather stick to yoga :)
I don’t know if this counts, but I’ve been going every day to the gym and using this thing I’m trying to get back in shape after the baby. I also started a fitness program, 30 Day Shed. I’m hoping to just lose some baby weight since apparently breastfeeding does not just melt the weight off like some say liars.
I’ve only gotten to 1.51miles, and have done two days of the 30 day Shed. My goal is to lose weight but in a healthy way..which I’ve never done before.
2.8 Miles today… but faster pace and the track I ran on today has a super steep climb…. I almost had a heart attack running up that thing. Mrs C couldn’t handle it (even though our usual track is a .8 mile loop.. half of which is uphill) which should tell you a bit about how steep it is.
I feel awesome though :)
@casheroo Do you love the elliptical? It’s my favorite cardio machine, and according to the little meter it’s a calorie blaster.
@nikipedia I have and I plan on doing one in the fall. I ran last night did my 5 spint/walks. It’s awesome in 10 minutes I get a full-on workout and I feel great! Going again after work!
I’ve be running medium distance for 40 years. Still doing it, even with an artificial knee joint, 3–4 times per week. I’ve been told by the doctor to stop running, as the jarring may be preventing my broken wrist from healing. I’m going in for surgery on Monday (they’re going to pin the bone together), then no more running for up to three months afterward. I’ll try to keep up the cardio with the (boring) stationary bike.
I was just getting used to the idea of running with a partner, previously my preference was solo cross-country running. I’m not a competitor, I try to stay under 45 minutes for a 10k run. In the winter, I switch to cross-country skis. I used to be very fast on those (30 years ago).
@nikipedia Sadly, I never made it out the door. Yesterday was a lazy bum day. It’s cool out now, so, I’m heading out. I tend to jog along the beach (Lake Huron).
Yep, I already have started a feeble re-entry.
But still recovering from some kick ass virus the last 2 weeks, so, energy is in the toilet in the moment.
The good news is I have amazing muscle memory, I am counting on that to kick in again. lol
I did 3 miles last night in my neighborhood and finished it off with a dip in the pool.
@Coloma Take it gradually. Remember that we don’t have the ability to train up as quickly as twenty- or thirty-somethings. :^)
@casheroo: Good luck on the weight loss! Let us know how it goes!
@Dr_C: Aww, you run with the missus? Cute :) Is your plan to run every day?
@stranger_in_a_strange_land: Welcome to the club!!! It’s wonderful to have more seasoned runners around to advise us kiddos :) Would your doctor let you do aquajogging? Also—your 10k time is pretty freakin’ incredible for someone who’s “not competitive!”
@drClaw: Nice touch, with the pool :) You heading out again tonight?
I am seriously considering signing up for a third half-marathon, which seems ridiculous having not yet completed my first. But it promises to be a beautiful race, and this way I would have to keep in shape instead of letting myself go after these two races are over….
@jjmah: I missed you again! Ack! Did you make it out? How’d it go?
Do you all find running to be addictive? The exercise high is great.
I just came back from a thirty minute run along the lake. I loved it. I could easily go back out again for another 30 and probably will later tonight.
@nikipedia Of course, relaxing or going to sleep at night without a run (or other workout) just feels wrong to me!
@nikipedia That aquajogging looks interesting, I’ll have to see what the doc says about it. I’m going in for surgery on the arm on Monday (they have to pin the fracture), then it will be in some kind of splint with electrical connections. I need to find some kind of vigorous exercise to substitute for about 2–3 months.
For me, the benefit in running is as much psychological as physical. It helps to keep the depression at bay and forces me out of the house. As my running/skiing path is almost entirely on my land, this is also a good way of inspecting the crops and woodlots.
@jjmah The addictive part for me is in knowing that if I don’t do it, I’ll probably have to spend the rest of my life on antidepressants. Maybe the “high” chemical is canceling out the bad shit of the depression.
I read the best book about running, I think it is factual but reads like a novel. Has some great ideas about the “why” of running and the “how” as well. Also interesting tidbits about the myth of overly cushioned shoes, etc. It is on It is called
Born to Run, A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
by Christopher McDougall
I really enjoyed it (@jmah’s comment about the addictiveness of running made me think of it.)
@rooeytoo: I’ve been thinking about reading that for a while! I’ll have to pick it up now.
Just got back from a pretty decent run. It sure was hot here today and I would have rather gone to the pool, but I specifically took yesterday off to try to bring my pace back up. It mostly worked, although 2 weeks ago I managed to run the same route (4.7 miles) a full 2 minutes faster. Oh well.
Also, (do not click this if you hate gross things!) Mr. Blister is back with a vengeance. Yes, that is a blister… on top of a blister. Yowch.
@nikipedia – Yep, it’s a good one.
Are you wearing 2 pairs of socks? Try a thin silk or really light weight first then a more padded one on top. Also do your shoes fit properly? Ill fitting shoes can cause blisters as well. I don’t tend to get blisters when I run but I often do playing hard tennis because of the starting and stopping. I always wear 2 pairs for tennis.
So I posted the photo of my arms :-/
would you like one of my bandy legs too, Lol :-/
knee support & all…… :-)
Did 5k in 23 minutes 14 seconds this morning. I’m going to do a final 10k on Sunday to establish a baseline time before Mondays surgery. This way, when I’m allowed to run again, I’ll know how far out of shape I’ve gotten. I figure that there’s no real harm in ignoring doctors orders before Monday, since he’s going to cut open and pin the bone anyway.
Well I had my bone scan today to test for stress fractures. I’ve got a might bruise on my thigh from where they had a metal post sticking out of the bed I needed to lay on. I’ll find out the results in 2 weeks. If this test is normal then I can start jogging gently but I’ll need to stop if I start losing the feeling in my feet.
I’m really hoping that it is stress fractures because the recovery time isn’t bad. If it is compartment syndrome then I’ll be booked in for an operation to have the muscle sheath split.
@rooeytoo: I have these expensive anti-friction socks my aunt bought me that seem to work pretty well, but I do think my shoes are about a half size too small. When I bought them I was running much shorter distances, and the guy who fit me specifically said that if I increased my mileage, I’d probably need bigger shoes. I have about 200 miles left on these though, so I’m going to tough it out for a few more months.
@Scooby: Get Dr_C to make us a photo page!!!
@stranger_in_a_strange_land: Good god old man, you are fast. How did your 10k go today? Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. Keep us posted.
Yesterday I did my last long run before the race next weekend. Ten miles. I was not feeling great by the end of it and am not sure I’ll be able to cover 13.1 without walking a little bit. Although I think I was pretty dehydrated and overheated, both of which should not be issues during the race. I foolishly tried adding cranberry juice to my usual water + electrolytes to get some sugar, and it was too sour and upset my stomach, so I didn’t drink the whole thing. And it was much hotter than it has been.
So it was not an easy run. On the other hand, I did it about three minutes faster than last week, inching me closer to a respectable pace. And I tested my race outfit, which is both functional and cute!
I did 4 miles at the gym today (it’s way to hot to walk or jog outside.) I’m trying to build my endurance since I gained 60lbs with the pregnancy. I’ve lost 38 so far, and would like to lose at least 7 more. I can’t wait for the Fall so I can do more outdoor activities.
Did my last run for a while, 10k in 46:17, about a minute slower than I’d like (the arm was hurting, wimp excuse ;^P). I’ll be under the knife in about 4 hours now. I have to remember to ask the Physical Therapist for exercises to keep the muscle tone in my right shoulder, it was hell getting it back after the reconstruction 19 years ago, don’t want to go through that again.
I’ll probably be doing alternate 30 and 60 minutes on the stationary bike until I’m cleared to run again.
@nikipedia I carry Gatorade diluted 1:1 with water in a 1.5l canteen. Heat and humidity are not too bad here in northern New England.
Mine is up there, ‘Oh’ you mean the knee!? :-/
I’ve been terrible.
I’m heading out for a good ½ hour run now.
@jjmah: How’d it go?
@stranger_in_a_strange_land: Thanks for the tip! I’ll try it on my next long run… if I survive the race on Sunday.
I just got back from my usual 4.7 mile loop. I guess the speedwork I’ve been doing is finally starting to pay off, as I ran it faster tonight than I ever have before, and I wasn’t really pushing the whole time. Let’s hope I can keep it up for the race! Six days to go!
I am in. Getting ready to do a 40 minute easy run. I started training for the marine corps marathon at the end of last month. Is anyone else running that one?
40 minute “hill profile” on the stationary bike, kept my pulse rate in the target zone for 30 of those minutes.
I just went for a 40 minute run in the rain. The rain was pelting down on my face. I’m soaked, but, it was refreshing. I pushed myself up an extra 10 minutes.
My policy is to do burpees at home instead of running if it rains on a running day. I suppose my excuse is that the streets get slippery when it rains and that’s dangerous.
I went for just a short jog yesterday because I’d hit my knee earlier and it was being bothersome to run on. And while I was at it I went to practise climbing over walls for a bit. That’s also good stamina exercise, albeit for short bursts of high activity.
I’ll go running properly again next Sunday. Maybe I’ll make a habit of this, long-distance on Sundays and more Parkour-oriented exercise on Thursdays.
I have a sore knee, too much tennis this week is the cause, so I have been bike jouring with my pup and swimming. Hopefully I’ll be able to run again next week.
There we are with the love/hate thing again. I love running most of all when I can’t do it. :-)
Congrats to you @nikipedia! How did it go, how did you feel? Tell us all about it.
@rooeytoo: Thanks!! Overall, it went well. I started off nice and slow, as intended, and built up my speed once I got past the first 3–4 miles. I was feeling great up through miles 9–10 and steadily increased my pace. All the spectators cheering us on and the beautiful course weaving through different neighborhoods really helped!
Somewhere in mile 11 I felt myself slowing way down and for the next 2 miles tried as hard as I could to pick it back up, but it just kept getting harder and harder. The 13th mile was a miserable slog. But somehow, I made it! I’m thinking for my upcoming training, I really need to focus on those last couple miles.
And my sister took some pictures, so I should be able to post before-and-afters when I get ‘em :)
Good job and your experience sounds typical. It is usually the last couple of miles that are the killers. I am always surprised when people say if you can do half the mileage in practice then you will be fine in the race??? I have never found that to be true.
But you did it, now you know you can do it so your training for the next one will be easier. Good job and can’t wait to see the pics.
Wasn’t it you who was taking swimming lessons? Next you will be doing a tri!
@nikipedia Outstanding! Just need to touch up your pacing now. That’s hiking distance for me.
I ran in a 5K fun run this morning and clocked under 41 on my watch, official times not available yet. That is a good pace for me. I just chugged along at my usual slow pace on the way out but picked it up on the way home and the last 750 meters poured it on. I love doing that, passing kids and guys who stare in disbelief and everyone else I can get to! Here is a pic of me with my medal.
@rooeytoo: Congratulations!!! And I love the picture. The knee brace makes you look super hardcore ;)
Thanks! :-) Not too bad for an old broad!
Well, I’m back from our month long trip across Canada and the northern U.S.
Mid-trip I found out that I don’t have stress fractures which means I probably have compartment syndrome. The plus side is that I can start running again albeit very gently. Good thing because I ended up gaining 12 pounds on that trip. I’m putting together a running schedule and starting this week.
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