Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Whats the meaning behind this T-shirt?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) July 14th, 2010

Wife and i observed a woman wearing a t-shirt that had this writing on the back: “Support black football teams”. i understand the words, but is this reverse discrimination? suppose i had a t-shirt that said “Support white football teams”. would this be a racial insult? this question is not meant to be racially motivated by any means. its just a straight-out question.

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17 Answers

frienemies0113's avatar

Maybe it has something to do with Remember The Titans….? hehe, idk.

john65pennington's avatar

Speaking of the Titans, i told my wife when they won the SuperBowl that first year, that the team would never be the same. its proven to be true. its like a country music artist. once they hit the top, the only other place to go is back down.

tinyfaery's avatar

Really? You are insinuating that “support black football” is reverse discrimination? White people were never kept out of sports. “Support white football teams” reeks of the return to segregation and Jim Crow laws. And I have know doubt there are a lot of people who would love to support the blackballing of black players; no pun intended. I have no idea about the shirt and I don’t give a shit about what it means

Jude's avatar

@ R, I think that I lurve you.

Seek's avatar

Just for the record, there is no such thing as “reverse racism”.

Racism is racism.

Randy's avatar

Off the top of my head, I think of something revolving around a rumor of black men and large organs as well as a football “team” with “team” mentality if you get the picture I’m setting up.

Seek's avatar

I can’t find a copy of the t-shirt through Google. Perhaps it was a homemade thing?

BoBo1946's avatar

John, checked out your area, and it must be a local high school football team. And, knowing that area, doubt that. There are no all Black College football teams in your area. We probably have more in my state than any state in the union.

Seaofclouds's avatar

It could also be a school color thing. My college says “come support blue and gold football” quite a bit.

Seek's avatar

Could it be a school named after a guy named “Black”. Like “Sirius Black High”?

bob_'s avatar

I bet it’s them pesky illegal immigrants causin’ trouble—again.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

How is it reverse racism again? Are your rights as a white person beind undermined by this statement?

john65pennington's avatar

Simone, like i said its just a straight-out question and nothing more. please do not make something out of it, that it is not.

Facade's avatar

@john65pennington You are the one making something out of it. It’s a t-shirt.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@john65pennington I am asking you a straight out question as well.

BoBo1946's avatar

@john65pennington well, i’ve been reading John’s statement for a several years, here and on another site, just think a few took his statement the wrong way. Have never seen him say anything off-color or despairly against anyone or another group of people. The t-shirt should have read, support my football team! And, they should named the team. Think that was what he was saying! I’m speaking for John, just my opinion on his motivation to post the question.

john65pennington's avatar

H ave i invented a new phrase on Fluther…..........“straight-out question”? everyone seems to be using it a lot more.

Thanks Bobo for the backup.

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