Social Question

janbb's avatar

Besides hot dogs and hamburgers, what meal says "summer" to you?

Asked by janbb (63361points) July 14th, 2010

This question was sparked by last night’s dinner which was one of my favoirte summer meals. I made salmon croquettes, corn on the cob and tomatoes in a basil vinaigrette. Summer on a plate! The salmon croquettes are a recipe my Mom made so there was a nostalgia factor too. What summer supper does it for you?

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64 Answers

Seek's avatar

Fruit salad
Grilled fish.
Grilled corn on the cob
Grilled anything, really.

ragingloli's avatar

Ice cream.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Shrimp and margaritas!

downtide's avatar

Grilled fish or prawns, lots of salad, and a pint of chilled cider.

doublebogie's avatar

Slow smoked ribs, coooooold beer and I just returned from the farmers market with local corn on the cob.

Jude's avatar

Potato salad and BBQ baked beans

tinyfaery's avatar

Fruit salad.

Cruiser's avatar

Cabobs, corn on the cob and lots of ice cold wheat beer!

Jude's avatar

Peaches and Cream corn on the cob.

gailcalled's avatar

Tomatoes and basil from my pots, mozarella and a nice vinaigrette.

Fresh berries, peaches, melons and nectarines

Local corn.

Gazpacho, borsch, cold cucumber and dill soup.

NaturallyMe's avatar

I’d have to say watermelon too.

Actually, i can’t think of anything else, i don’t particularly associate foods with the different seasons, i think…..

dynamicduo's avatar

Gazpacho. And corn, especially cooked on an outdoor propane burner and shucked by all the folks sitting around it.

doublebogie's avatar

WOW,sounds like we need to have a tide pool potluck BBQ!!!

SuperMouse's avatar

Although they aren’t meals, but “dishes”:

Ranier Cherries
Apple pie
Cole slaw

Vunessuh's avatar

Baked potato
Spinach dip

doublebogie's avatar

@SuperMouse, I love love LOVE Ranier Cherries

Jude's avatar

Bing cheeries!!

Jude's avatar

@Vunessuh what is that with you in your picture?

Vunessuh's avatar

@jjmah A dead raccoon named Pinky.

Jude's avatar

@Vunessuh that’s what I thought.

Austinlad's avatar

A big salad with ham and cheese slices, tomato chunks and French dressing.

CMaz's avatar

Ribs, mashed potatoes and Zellwood corn.

Tomato salad with sliced onions, sprinkled with a vinaigrette.


SuperMouse's avatar

@tinyfaery The Wiggles permanently ruined the idea of fruit salad for me!~

Strauss's avatar

Ribs! Chicken! Sweet corn on the cob!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Potato salad!

Lemonade (that cool refreshing drink!)

Homemade ice cream

BBQ anything.

cookieman's avatar

Salmon and Shrimp on the barbecue.

Corn, beans, blueberries, cucumbers, strawberries, lettuces, zucchini and summer squash from the farm I work at.

“Lobstah” from Maine!!

@aprilsimnel: Lurve for the Eddy Murphy reference.

SuperMouse's avatar

OMG! I totally forgot Popsicles and Otter Pops! It is not summer until I have cracked a Popsicle in half and had the sticky stuff melt down my hand!

CMaz's avatar

We need to have a Fluther block party.

Next to a gym.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Grilled corn on the cob and tomatos right off the vine to start, then any fresh produce, preferrably from a farmers market or my garden. I love summer for the veggies!

NaturallyMe's avatar

i’m may have to unfollow this question because i’m just getting hungry here

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m with Chazmaz: Block party. I’ll bring some tomatos and the music (my fav’s might be a little rough), Vunesseh can bring her roadkill, I can’t look any further or I’ll start to drool.

SamIAm's avatar

grilled chicken (marinated in good seasons dressing, or just evoo & lemon) and tomato/mango salsa… making me miss ny bbqs :(

BoBo1946's avatar

Vegetables..absolutely love them! ..and anything with fresh homegrown tomatoes!

cookieman's avatar

Ooh, ooh – ya know what we make here that I lurve in the Summer…Grilled Pineapple Mango Salsa.

yeah, that too

marinelife's avatar

Tomato, basil and fresh mozzarella with evoo sprinkled on and salt and pepper.

Corn on the cob.

Rib steak grilled out.

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john65pennington's avatar

Lime congealed salad. my wife only makes it in the summer and homegrown tomatoes.

Also, when the radio stations only play Hot Child In The City in mid-summer.

lifeflame's avatar

荔枝 (lychee) and 龍眼 (lung’an) over here.

And melons!!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Shish lik
Potato salad

filmfann's avatar

Shish Kabob
Potato Salad
Fruit Salad
Mud Pie (my own recipe).

Aster's avatar

Vidalia onions and my dream: my own veggies grown in a huge backyard in sandy loam *tomatoes. bell peppers. watermelon.
corn on the cob (grew it once). cantaloupe. cucumbers. peaches.
plums.cauliflower.(grew it once; delish)
What @ChazMaz said.

knitfroggy's avatar

Anything that doesn’t require much cooking time. Salad is a favorite of mine when it’s hot. Or sandwiches.

Berserker's avatar

Huge sundays. I guess that’s not really a meal, but it sure is Summer.

charliecompany34's avatar

grilled skirt steak fajitas with peppers and onions and spicy kicked-up guacomole


sausages with peppers and onions

Berserker's avatar

@knitfroggy Salad and sandwiches are awesome for hot summer evenings. Top it off with a seven dollar Sunday! XD

knitfroggy's avatar

@Symbeline I don’t know what a $7 Sunday is, but it sounds good! :)

filmfann's avatar

I am guessing it’s a Sundae.

knitfroggy's avatar

@filmfann I am too, but who knows.

mattbrowne's avatar

Bratwurst barbecue.

Ludy's avatar

a traditional mexican cook out, :D arrachera, chicken tighs, salsa, quesadillas on the grill, guacamole, everything on the grill, and using charcoal yum yum…

emeraldisles's avatar

fruit salad and chocolate chip cookie dough frozen yogurt, bean burrito

Dsg's avatar

Grilled chicken, steak and hamburgers. Corn on the cob with lots of butter, salt & pepper. Fruit like watermelon, peaches, plums, and bing cherries @Jude are a favorite! Lots of salad because when its really hot, i can’t eat a big meal.

Dsg's avatar

@cookieman i would to get that pineapple salsa recipe if you are willing to share it. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Daisygurl Yum. I was just thinking of things I’ll be missing this winter. Add BLT’s to my list or TLT’s for our jellies that don’t do pork. Try it. It’s really good and a little sweet. That’s turkey, lettuce and tomato.

Dsg's avatar

I’m not into tomatoes. But i do like bl’s minus the t’s. Oh i forgot those baby cukecumbers, pickling cukes. I love them in vinegar. Yum. Homemade ice cream too. I haven’t made that in yrs. Fresh strawberries cut up in a salad or dipped in chocolate. I’m gettin hungry.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Daisygurl A bl cuke might be good. With vinegar. That’s interesting. My niece loves strawberries in chocolate.

Dsg's avatar

I missed picking blueberries this yr. Love to snack on them. @Adirondackwannabe I don’t know about vinegar with a bl and cuke. Sounds kinda yucky to me. But i do like cucumber sandwiches with mayo.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Daisygurl I’m thinking trying a small one first.

Dsg's avatar

I think we should have one big get together of all us jellies for one last Bbq, before the cold weather starts. We could have all of the above to eat.

Berserker's avatar

I’d totally attend that if it happened and I could make it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Symbeline I like that idea too. I want to sit at your table.

Berserker's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe If you don’t sit at my table, I’m not even showing up. :D

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