I listen to all the stuff…I chase crop circles….I speak and write on topics related to this…I sit around and stargaze….I do contemplate on all the hype that is going on around this. All the fear-based induced hype. Some of it can be thought-provoking, some of it is just Hollywood-fuelled paranoia.
Nothing is going to happen in 2012 that will be discernible. All the chaos that is going on now, will continue to accelerate, but we just get used to the noise, right? So, it will continue to be chaotic all around the globe. Gradually, we will have to “get” that we need to change. And we will have to, in order to make the leap in consciousness that it will take to survive.
When we look back from say, 2050 or better yet, 2100…then we will be able to see the conflagration of too much politics and government and bad economics collide with the shift to more sustainable living, to understanding that we all lived on this earthship and we have to somehow get along in order to remain alive and thrive. We will see that this time will be known as the migration out of the urban centers into the country. And the urban centers also begin to be more self-sustainable. People begin to see that living well did not necessarily mean “living loud”. Terrorism will continue until we realize that the terror is in each one of us. When we deal with our own unconscious terror, then all terror will cease.
“All those changes toward less materialsim occurred at the beginning of the century,” will say the professors at Bill Gates University, Home of the Fighting Micros in 2076, the tricentennial of our country. Only then, we will be able to understand the shift in consciousness that happened while we were busy sleeping and shopping in the beginning of the 21st century.
But for most people, they will awaken on December 22st, 2012, get up, eat some cornflakes, read the paper and worry if they have forgotten to get someone a present for Christmas and if they will have to sit next to Aunt Tinky at Christmas dinner….she who talks incessantly about her cats.
My favorite prophecies?
1. That the Planet Nibiru is coming into our orbit and wreaking havoc. Here is a picture of the planet (or Second Sun) next to the sun that was posted on a website:
2. That the magnetic poles will shift dramatically causing climates to change radically. (Hmmm?)
3. That there will be a mass landing of UFO’s and the government will finally have to “disclose” everything they have been hiding from us…including that a lot of our members of Congress are indeed as we suspected, space cadets.
4. That Rod Blagojevich will replace Jerry Springer with his own talk show out of Chicago.
My own prophecies? They are in the first paragraphs. Keep Calm and Carry On and Plant a Garden and get to know your neighbors. We are all in this together for the long haul.