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zophu's avatar

Know any good whistling tunes?

Asked by zophu (5711points) July 14th, 2010

So, I’ve developed the (possibly bad) habit of whistling, but the only actual tune I know is the one from Kill Bill, Twisted Nerve. I’m not that good at it and it gets annoying. A little too omnious to whistle while gardening. . . Know of any other good tunes that are easy enough to whistle? Or should I just drop the habit?

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15 Answers

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

I read the title of your question & thought… I know the perfect tune for you to whistle…. it was Twisted Nerve from Kill Bill. :) I am a very good whistler, so I love that tune.

Never drop the habit! (this coming from a fellow whistler)

Other tunes I whistle…

Happy Birthday Song – but very, very slowly, might be a little creepy to do while gardening.

Whistle While Your Work, from Snow White – is always a good one.

For some reason I like to whistle Rehab by Amy Winehouse.

On occasion, I whistle Taps The Bugler’s Cry, depressing as hell, but it kind of cleanses the whistling spirit.

I’ve never even seen Elmo’s World, but I somehow know it’s theme song & it’s a good tune to whistle.

I’ll post more as they come to me

ubersiren's avatar

The Star Trek theme like Garth from Wayne’s World.

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

The Great Escape theme. I whistle it all the time.

dpworkin's avatar

Colonel Bogie March

k8tie2237's avatar

I like “The Entertainer”...

But a more modern one that my dad whistles all the time is “The Distance” by Cake, it’s really cool :)

rebbel's avatar

The theme of My Name Is Nobody.
Skip or wait for the 25th second.

rebbel's avatar

It’s nostalgia for me, that melody, since i saw that movie in the cinema some hundred years ago.
It is quite the catchy song!

Ltryptophan's avatar

After having heard this…I happened to notice myself inadvertently whistling it…


zophu's avatar

Thanks! I’ll check all these out. I’ve already got “Young Folks” stuck in my head.

Seek's avatar

I like to whistle Polly Wolly Doodle.

choppersangel's avatar

Start with the 5 notes from Close Encounters of the Third Kind, then freestyle… Doing the hand gestures may be going too far though.

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