Why is it evolution is not even and fair between sexes?
Evolution one would think is even and fair between males and females; playing devil’s advocate and going on the line of straight evolutions apart from creationism. In creationism the differences in males and females and their roles are quite defined. Back to evolution, why is the males of the species more than not the fanciest in color, markings, etc as well as being the strongest? Why didn’t evolution make the females the stronger in near 50% of the species? Or why did not evolution make males in some species the one who carries and births the children? If males and females are suppose to be equal in intelligence, drive, capabilities, etc, why didn’t evolution follow that?
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16 Answers
Given the specific and varied circumstances under which evolutionary adaptations occurred, said equality wasn’t possible. Some species got more might on the female side some species got more might on the male side. Some never developed male or female counterparts at all.
Evolution is what it is. It’s not fair or unfair. It’s people who believe that, for instance, because women typically aren’t as strong as men, it means they’re inferior in all other regards, as well, which is obviously not true. It’s people that give things meaning.
Also, male seahorses carry the offspring, so what you’re getting at isn’t universally true.
The male stands out to attract predators away from his mate and offspring and stronger to fight off predator, defend his turf and fight for his mate(s)
If I had boobs and a vagina I’d never leave the house.
@worriedguy Trust me, boobs loose a lot of novelty when you have them 24/7, have to deal with them hurting once a month, and find that no matter what, they are never the right size or shape. And vagina’s still need partners, cuz we can’t eat ourselves out. But put a pair of boobs on another woman, and they go right back to being the best thing ever.
There are literally hundreds of cases where this isnt true. Ie the male anglerfish is super teeny tiny (only 2.5 in) while the female grows to 4 feet. The male spends its whole life in search of a female, once he finds one he bites her and remains there for the rest of its life being nothing more than a sperm bank.
I would also have to say females are far the more attractive ones in our species.
Ultimately i think it comes down to what drastic dreamer said. Its just us humans trying to give things meanings again, like we always do.
Evolution is not something that can be fair or unfair. It is a term we give to what happens naturally.
Even what @SkulpTor said is misleading. While it may be true, it just happened to evolve that way.
I recommend you watch the DVD series “Life”, the one narrated by Oprah Winfrey. In addition to seeing some really amazing video footage, the narration explains a bit about evolution and talks about why some birds are bright and strong and display dancing/feats of strength (these showcase agility and strength, the female bird wants to mate with the strongest/most agile bird so her babies will be strongest, so it’s up to the males to show off and the females are responsible for making the nest/laying eggs/etc). But in other species other attributes are encouraged or appreciated more.
You say: Or why did not evolution make males in some species the one who carries and births the children? If males and females are suppose to be equal in intelligence, drive, capabilities, etc, why didn’t evolution follow that? Evolution did in fact make this occur in some species. With many breeds of seahorses, the male is the one responsible for both incubating the eggs (sometimes on his own tail!) and hatching them. In clownfish, the male fish shows his dedication by caring for the eggs, because the female is the queen and she will kick him out if he doesn’t (and there are plenty of other male clownfish waiting to move in and try their best). Because your comment is inaccurate, I think you should look into species more closely before making presumptions, as your presumption was incorrect. Again for the casual user, the “Life” DVD is really awesome and quite entertaining!
Sexual dimorphism results from mating habits. When males compete for discriminant females they develop dimorphic traits.
Right now it is believed that men and women evolved differently because of two facts: A.) The woman carries offspring during gestation, and B.) Women’s sex cells are far more scarce.
“Why is the males of the species more than not the fanciest in color, markings, etc as well as being the strongest? Why didn’t evolution make the females the stronger in near 50% of the species?”
In order to reproduce, the woman has to carry the baby for nine months. The man simply has to have sex. Reproduction puts much more of a physical strain on women and they are therefore much more inclined to be particular about who they reproduce with. For that reason, the males in almost every species have developed ways to show the female that they are the best mate possible. Some do it with flashy colors, others do it by shows of strength. Females don’t have as much of a need to impress males because males don’t need to be as choosy about who they reproduce with, because they don’t then have to carry that person’s baby for nine months.
I would recommend reading the book Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters. That’s where everything I’m spouting off came from.
If men were fitted to be bearers of new live, i guess we would have been extinct some millions of years ago.
After a month or two they would have said: “Meh, it’s boring, get the thing out now, i get tired of bearing it.”
@dynamicduo fun fact. If the female clownfish is killed or something a male(usually the alpha) can actually change its sex to take her place to keep the colony going :)
@augustlan @dynamicduo @uberbatman I can stand corrected on that; not knowing about sea horses, but minor marine animals and insects what higher mammals fit that bill?
@papayalily ” And vagina’s still need partners, cuz we can’t eat ourselves out.” You kinky devil There was an urban legend that flexible guys who could suck their own Robert Earl so a woman flexible as a gymnast might be able to snack her own taco if it were not made to be snacked it would not be taco shaped.
@dynamicduo ” In addition to seeing some really amazing video footage, the narration explains a bit about evolution and talks about why some birds are bright and strong and display dancing/feats of strength (these showcase agility and strength, the female bird wants to mate with the strongest/most agile bird so her babies will be strongest, so it’s up to the males to show off and the females are responsible for making the nest/laying eggs/etc).” That is partly my question, why is it not some mammals developed where the males nested and birth while the females were out defending and preening. So, the question remains as to why if it is just development without any divine direction that females did not come up with 50% of the duties and markings that males developed? How come the females got left out of the main protector of the group, strength, and color development at least foremost foul and mammals?
Diversity increases survival changes when species face selective pressure. What would be gained if men and women think and act the same way?
Simply, evolution favored us men in terms of physical strength and endowment.
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