Is a bakers cyst accompanied by fever & headache a serious health isuue?
After working out at the gym a few days ago i noticed a pain on the side of my knee. I thought I had probably pulled a muscle or streched a nerve..These last few days that pain has gotten worse and the side of my knee is now swollen and red. I was told by someone that it sounded like I had a cyst..I did some research and found that the type of cyst that I think I might have is a “Bakers Cyst” because the common symptoms match what I am going through. What I noticed is that along with the cyst I have been getting a pretty bad fever and headache at night that hasnt been letting me sleep..Could this be something serious? or is it normal to experience those symptoms…?
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11 Answers
With a strange fever and leg pain of any type, I would just go see a doctor. A fever will usually indicate an infection somewhere. Don’t wait till they have no choice to cut your leg off or something.
Thats what I was thinking, lot of websites said that they usually go away by themselves and dont require any sort of medical attention. But none mentioned the fever and headache as a symptom..
Most hospitals have a “Ask A Nurse” service. They can’t diagnose the problem but they can tell you if you need to go in for help. Pick up the phone and ask. The internet is a bad place for medical advice.
I wouldn’t assume that this is a Baker’s Cyst. Swelling, redness, pain in the knee accompanied by fever could also indicate an infected joint, otherwise known as a septic joint (the knee is the most common site for this to occur, and can be caused by skin bacteria but also by certain sexually transmitted bacteria like Neisseria gonorrhea). While a Baker’s cyst is typically benign, a septic joint is a serious condition that requires immediate attention. Other things it could be are a meniscal tear, ligament damage, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and other arthritic diseases. Because of the fever and redness, you need a fairly urgent evaluation to make sure it isn’t a septic joint, which could develop into a life threatening condition. You need to be seen today, by a doctor.
Thanks for the advice! I hope it isnt something serious..but I will go get it checked out
Go to the doctor. You don’t have a fever from working out.
Went to the emergency room that day..It turned out to be a pretty bad spider bite that got infected..Had to get me leg drained! Now I have a nice little hospital bill to pay but atleast it wasnt anything more serious.
@Rv654321 Good thing you went, though I don’t think you had a spider bite. More likely is that you developed an abscess due to methicillin resistant staph aureus (MRSA). Many people (including ER doctors) don’t realize that a small pimple from MRSA can turn into a big skin and soft tissue infection, and mistakenly attribute it to a spider/bug bite. The fact that you work out a lot makes the likelihood of MRSA even higher, as it is highly communicable when people share gym equipment, towels, and other items.
Thanks! Your really Knowledgeable on this =) So is this something that I should be concerned about? Is it likely to happen again? or is it just a look of the draw type of thing..?
A little of both. It can happen once, or you can become colonized with MRSA and have repeat episodes requiring a complex antibiotic regimen to eradicate the MRSA. Only time will tell.
Oh ok! so heres something else I noticed the other day..for about a week after I had my leg drained it was pretty swollen, it has since gone down and my leg is back to normal for the most part. I noticed while feeling my inner thigh where they did the Incision that a small patch seems to be hard to the touch like when it was swollen and the rest of my leg feels normal..Is this normal?
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