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A brain scan confirms: you are straight. But in reality you are gay. How would you react?
I am watching a BBC documentary right now where a convinced gay man (actor John Barrowman) is going through a series of tests to see whether he is gay and if he was since birth or if he was nurtured to being gay.
They put him in a scan and showed him naked girls and boys, acting in straight, gay and lesbian scenes.
Afterwards they told him that certain areas in his brains were more active then others and those areas clearly showed he was more aroused by men or more aroused by women.
For a ‘joke’ they told him he was straight.
He was awe struck, until they told him that it clearly showed him being a gay guy.
That made me think: What would your reaction be if they told you that your brain scan told them that you are gay (when in reality you are straight) or vice versa/any other combination?
Would you laugh it of?
Or cry?
Start to doubt your sexual preference?
Doubt science?
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