Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever said something to someone if they were sending and receiving texts while you were trying to have a conversation with them?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 15th, 2010

What did you say, and how did they react?

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20 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I tell them when they’re done we can resume our conversation and walk away. They got miffed, but didn’t do it again.

DominicX's avatar

Yes, I’m not a big fan of being ignored while I’m trying to talk to someone. Usually I just get all nosy and say “So who are you texting? What are you talking about?” That usually gets them to stop.

The best was that time my boyfriend was texting in class while I was trying to give a presentation and I called him out (in the middle of my speech, I just threw in a “Rory, stop texting in class”). His face went bright red. Kinda felt bad, but he deserved it. :P

Dutchess_III's avatar

My daughters do it…I guess it’s time for Mom to step up to the plate, huh.

jca's avatar

i will say in a joking manner “Very rude of you!” and they usually stop. that has not happened often, just with teens who can’t stop texting for 30 seconds of their lives.

one time i was at someone’s house for dinner, and there were two “new” guests at the table as well, and they both had their cell phones with them, laying on the table, which i think is rude. i said out loud “there are some very important people at this table!” they didn’t get it but the hosts did.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Completely misunderstood the Q.LOL! I usually don’t say anything,I just throw a pie in their face.That’s not rude,is it??

Dutchess_III's avatar

How do you make a phone call without a phone @lucillelucillelucille?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Dutchess_III -Busted! I can’t stop laughing about ths now! That’s what happens when you talk on the phone too much to someone…;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

You went and edited your question!!!!

meagan's avatar

Its totally rude. My mother texts all day long and doesn’t find it rude to do while others are speaking to her.. But she really doesn’t have any kind of moral compass.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I say, “I see you are busy now, we can talk some other time.” I walk away.

YARNLADY's avatar

My son and his wife do it all the time, only it’s gaming rather than texting. When I notice, I say “Please call me back when you are free to talk”.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Dutchess_III -Yes! I do that when I want to make people look crazy! lol! actually,I re-read your q and tried to fix it..kind of ;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille You’re making me laugh again!!!

zenele's avatar

I thought you meant if they would text me while talking to me. That happens all the time; in the middle of a conversation, if I correct someone’s grammar – they might text me and check the spelling.

Texting and talking at the same time is fine; talking with food in your mouth isn’t.

Cruiser's avatar

For me it’s not just texting, it’s taking cell phone calls and drifting eye contact that steams me up as well. House rule is no phones at the dinner table and let the answering machine take a message.

Trillian's avatar

I walk away. Unless it’s a one time sort of “Excuse me, I’ve got to answer this…” I use the same rule if I’m speaking on the phone with someone and they put me on hold to click over to the other line. I count to ten and then hang up. If you’re not interested enough in me to maintain a simple conversation without a constant stream of interuptions, I’ve got plenty of other things to do.
I might add that this has only happened to me a couple times. I do not click over because I feel that it is rude. If I see that it’s important I’ll apologize and hang up. I certainly don’t expect someone to hold while I conduct business or talk to my kids…
Nor do I ignore a person with whom ‘m spending some time to maintain a conversation with someone who is not in the room with me. I value the friends that I have and treat them accordingly.

JessicaRTBH's avatar

Yes, some idiot took me out on a fairly nice date only to sit and text the whole time. I realized he was quite the joke, never took him seriously after that, cut my losses and ran. I totally call people out for blatant rudeness. Phones have made people lose all common courtesy in my opinion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They have @JessicaRTBH. Somehow cell phones slipped in inbetween some generation and the basic, common sense manners didn’t get a chance to be reinforced. It took everyone by surprise.

Dutchess_III's avatar

BTW..this question is about a year old. Above I noted that my daughters do it, and it was time for me to step up to the plate. I got ahold of one…If she started texting as I was talking I’d stop in mid sentence. That got her attention (it works in a classroom too!) She said, “I’m listening!”
I said, “No, I’ll wait for you to finish.” If it took too much longer, I wandered away. She doesn’t do it any more!!!!

JessicaRTBH's avatar

@Dutchess_III – so true. I guess I didn’t even look at the date when I searched ‘texting’ and this kinda overlapped with what I would have asked.
hah that’s a good way to get them to pay attention.

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