Meta Question

rebbel's avatar

Who are we anyway?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) July 15th, 2010

I believe, when we are joining in a thread here on Fluther, we have certain images of our fellow Jellies.
Because of the answers they write and their avatars and because of our imagination.
Do you also see a certain person with accompanying life and lifestyle in your fantasy?
For example: @ucme i see as an, obviously, British thirty-five year old guy, who drives a blue Ford Focus, is that funny uncle to his little nephews and nieces, wears slippers when he is in the house, after he put away the dust bin.
He is a devote Man. United supporter and is more serious when he talks with his family then he is on Fluther.
During the day he works at an insurance office, where, when he was a little @ucme still, rather he would have been a professional cricket player.
Do you have those images of other Jellies too?

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52 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Not so much,no…as I think everyone is Roger Daltry…or wants to be. ;)

Vunessuh's avatar

Sometimes I wonder what certain people would be like to hang out with in person – if they would be similar or different to their online image. There are some I know are different or aren’t anything like who they are publicly online because of how they act in private (PMs.) So I try not to think I know someone just by their questions and answers. In time, people will reveal themselves to you, mostly privately.

When some people describe their home life or hobbies or traits or friends and family, I imagine what their life is like for them. Are they happy? Are they sad? Are they satisfied? What do their friends think of them? What do they think of themselves? Are they in pain? Do they cover up that pain online?

Avatars also have the ability to give insight into a user’s personality and sense of humor.


Other than that, I think everyone here is an inanimate object.

I thought @lucillelucillelucille was a spork before I met her.

wilma's avatar

@rebbel I see you as a motorcycle riding ‘looks like a tough guy, but is really a softie’.
don’t ruin my fantasy and be a used car salesman with 8 kids and 4 ex wives.

jrpowell's avatar

I read everything by Dog in Morgan Freemans voice. It makes me happy.

Jude's avatar

That’s how I view ucme, as well (like that, anyway).

GQ. I have this picture in my mind what you (a good portion of y’all) are like (idea of what you’re like/what you do/ who you are)..

@lucillelucillelucille I want to have a few beers with.

AmWiser's avatar

I like the anonymity of being on q/a sites, until people start posting their identities. Once you can put a face to a poster its easier to read that person . Other than that I have a hard enough time keeping up with all the posts let alone trying to fantasize about the poster and their lifestyle. If I do happen to get a visual, it doesn’t last long.

marinelife's avatar

What do you see me as, rebbel?

rebbel's avatar

You are 40-ish, got curly dark blond hair, wearing fashionable big glassed spectacles.
You are a good aunt to your 16 year old niece, you Fluther on your laptop on the sofa, with a cat curled up against your hip.
You wear pantalons with fair coloured blouses and your house is neat and tomorrow when the weather is fine you drink iced tea on the porch.
No rocking chair.

rebbel's avatar

It actually is a bicycle, i even haven’t a license for a motor bike (i tried to get one, but it didn’t appeal to me).
But you are right about me being a softie.
It was meant as a compliment when a girl friend told me i was as emotional and sensitive as a woman.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t imagine a whole Batman scenario about anyone here, what they do, what they’re like, or anything like that unless they specify or if I know them more than others, but I guess I do feel this kind of vibe which sort of defines them for me, although most likely that’s from my own perception.
Said vibe however, is hard to put into words.

’‘Brings bob a sandwich’’

Fly's avatar

I wonder how people picture me, sometimes. I imagine it’s nothing like how I am in real life.
I do have images for certain people, although I’m sure they’re not even close to reality. I can’t even get Flutherites’ genders right half of the time. I’ve made mental predictions about what people are like, only to find out later that I was waaaay off.

Pandora's avatar

Most flutherites in one way or another remind me of King of the Hill characters, or characters from Family Guy.
A few remind me of news anchors or Dr. Phil or Oprah.
Then like Fly, I realize I am way off.

Berserker's avatar

@Pandora I get to be Dale! I said it first. >_>

casheroo's avatar

@Fly For some reason I picture the lead girl in GhostWorld (in the glasses) but a cuter version.
@rebbel do me!

I do add “voices” to some, and picture some in my mind..but I do know what quite a few jellies look like, and I’m almost always surprised.

Jude's avatar

I’d hate to say what I think because I’m afraid that I would offend somebody..

Fly's avatar

@casheroo Nothing like me at all! Just goes to show that the images you form of Flutherites are probably far from reality. ;)

Pandora's avatar

@Symbeline You got it. :)

chels's avatar

Then who does that make me? Huhhhh?!

augustlan's avatar

I think I make some widely inaccurate mental pictures sometimes. I’ve been prone to thinking everyone who seems ‘like’ me is about my age, too. In truth, most are far younger or older than I thought.

ucme's avatar

@rebbel Hmm, way out dude. English yeah but that’s your only hit. Insurance, cricket, no fucking way that’s for the tory boy tossers. Man utd, wankers.Nephews & nieces, I have my own two kids to love & play sports & act crazy with. So all in all as far as your image goes, epic fail would be the correct term to use .Still never mind at least you tried, bless.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Vunessuh -I am one and you can’t take that away from me!
@jjmah -Anytime!

marinelife's avatar

@rebbel Well, you got the iced tea part right, anyway.

wilma's avatar

I just want it known right now, I am not, nor do I look like Wilma Flintstone. But I do go barefoot

janbb's avatar

@wilma Say it ain’t so! I’ve always pictured you with that bone in your hair.

Cruiser's avatar

I do get a pretty good mental image of jellies here by their answers. In my experience the written word is a pretty powerful descriptor and generally a good reflection of a persons personality. If I take a shine to anyone I will check their profile to perhaps learn a bit more about them. But even if I know what they do for a living and what they look like, of the people I have actually met or talked with, they have been much much different in person. I think most anyone here would find I am different in person than what you might gleen from my “image” here.

Interesting question.

Facade's avatar

Like @Cruiser I get a pretty good mental image of jellies here by their answers, mainly their opinions about life and how they live it.

chels's avatar

@Facade I have a good mental image of you ;)

Facade's avatar

@chels So do I ;D

mattbrowne's avatar

Find out at Photobucket !

rebbel's avatar

Yeah, i see it.
I wasn’t right about you wearing slippers either?
Okay, the iced tea was the only thing i was correct in, but you are a woman, right?~
That must be the first time that a woman asks me so directly.~
In trying to get at least something right, i am going to say that you are a leggy woman who likes to wear hot pants.
You are the girl that everybody in school adored but nobody dared to talk too, let alone ask her out for a date.
You play your vinyl, 70’s rock records in the evening while sipping from a cold, dry white wine, but you secretly have a thing for this guy Bieber (his music).
And your are thinking of going for permanent mascara and eye liner.

janbb's avatar

O.K., I’m intrigued @rebbel; what about me?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

I put my ugly mug back up on the Photobucket page.

wilma's avatar

I would ask @rebbel to do me, but I don’t know how many he can do in a day. ;)

janbb's avatar

@wilma Ha! I debated about using the phrase “do me.”

rebbel's avatar

@janbb and @wilma
I would gladly do you both (@wilma: with much effort, i can do maybe two. lol), and i will, i promise, but these imaginations come to me at random times for random Jellies.
When i asked the question i was hoping, if people had the same fantasies and were willing, that they could paint a picture of an other Jelly, and another Jelly of another Jelly, etc.

@wilma, you are a not so big (as in tall) woman, with brown curls.
You were the best friend of the most popular girl in class and boys that liked the silent girls chose to be with you.
You fix problems with the car yourself and are not afraid to get stained and your nails broken.
Whoever dares just so much as touching your family with one finger is doomed.
You wear tight jeans with a white t-shirt, and you smoke.

@janbb, you have loads of friends and acquaintances, i am sure, and you like both big, heavy conversations and small talk.
Small talk you do most when you visit the sauna with two of you best girl friends.
You like to wear men’s clothes, but you are shy to do it, so only when in the safeness of your house you put on a three piece suit with matching tie.
And matching small cigar.
And you love pingpings.

wilma's avatar

@rebbel I appreciate your effort ;)
You got some of it right. I’m 5 Ft. 7 Inches, not too tall, not too short.
I did have brown hair, it changed very early in my life.
The rest is spot on, except for the smoking, I never have.
As for the tight jeans? Not too tight, I like comfy when I’m working.;)

You’re pretty good.

janbb's avatar

@rebbel Pretty close; how’d you know about the cigar? Just call me Georges Sand. The sauna I go to alone, but the small and large talking I do while walking with my friends.

I had pictured @marinelife as a pretty darkhaired woman in her forties before I met her but was surprised to see that she was fair and of a different age. My musings about her personality were dead accurate, however.

rebbel's avatar

I am impressed by my imagination. ~

Facade's avatar

@rebbel Do me? It’s probably too easy…

ucme's avatar

@rebbel No slippers for me. I have been known to wear the wife’s fwuffy pink bunny slippers when the need arises however. Football practice, jogging or such like.

chels's avatar

I’m still waaaaiitttiiinnggg…

lloydbird's avatar

@rebbel I wonder, what you wonder bout I ?

wilma's avatar

@chels he said maybe two, you might have to wait until tomorrow. ;)

casheroo's avatar

@rebbel ha, I love it. You got the hot pants part right. And the vinyls. I’ve never listened to Bieber, thankyouverymuch.

zenele's avatar

@rebbel Hoe zie jij mij?

BoBo1946's avatar

yeah, Matt is correct, use photobucket!

ummmm…the mods would not allow me to mention names of members in a prior question! just saying!

Strauss's avatar

A mental voice always comes to mind, usually backed up by a mental dialect and picture.

ucme's avatar

@rebbel Ik denk dat je moet nemen een andere hobby, ja? ;¬}

rebbel's avatar

Ik denk dat je gelijk hebt! I think you are right!
Like i wrote before: “When i asked the question i was hoping, if people had the same fantasies and were willing, that they could paint a picture of an other Jelly, and another Jelly of another Jelly, etc.” and “these imaginations come to me at random times for random Jellies.”
But it seems that some Jellies want me to do them.
So, to all who have asked me to, whenever i imagine you, i will write it down here in this thread.
I don’t want to just make things up now, do i? :-)

lloydbird's avatar

Pardoink ik mi parr axkink. mik wijk gik mii kote.

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