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Do you feel like you fit the world in which you live?
Because, I just don’t. I have white skin, and in my area, that means I’m the majority. But that’s where my sense of belonging ends, usually. Not that people of other ethnicities make me feel like I don’t belong, but at times, it seems that’s all I have in common with the people I encounter most. Strangers at the store, faceless internet typists, sometimes my own friends and on rare occasions, even my husband… I feel like my brain was made on a totally different planet.
Often I want to escape. It feels hopeless. I get depressed. It’s not really about feeling lonely- sometimes I wish I was more alone. It’s more about… I dunno… not being a freak?
An example I can think of is being a mom. I’m a mom, but I don’t feel like I fit in with other moms, or even fit the idea of a “mom.” Politics, religion, etc. are the same way. I don’t fit into any “category” which, in itself doesn’t bother me, in fact I kind of like it. What bothers me is that if you don’t fit one mold or the other then you’re a freak to everyone, instead of just the opposing/ differing side.
Thanks for letting me get that out. Now I want to know- Do you feel this way? Would you care to share your examples? Also, around what ages did you start/stop feeling this way?
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