How do you see the jelly above you?
Asked by
Jude (
July 15th, 2010
A take off from this question. Going by comments, questions, pms, and avatars; what mental image forms in your head when you think of that jelly? What do you think that they’re like in real life?
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57 Answers
Naked, in my arms, lovely. I so win for being the first to this q!
I feel like I’m stalking @Simone_De_Beauvoir tonight.
This is a fun question.
I see Simone as someone who would be incredibly interesting to share a bottle of wine with. I think Simone would be intimidating but friendly and thought-provoking.
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This question will never move anywhere except to my bedroom and I’m taking the both of you
And, we’re done with the question.
Fade to black.
@Likeradar Fun to go to a concert with (great taste in music), talk education with, and I love that she speaks her mind (I love being around intelligent women who aren’t afraid to speak up).
@jjmah: I really, really admire you. As weird as it sounds (because we never talk), there’s something about you that just makes me feel like a 12-year-old little girl who thinks “I wanna be like her! Her life is so interesting!”. As a matter of fact, I feel the same way about @Simone_De_Beauvoir. I think both of you are extremely awesome people, who think and have thought and will continue to think about a multitude of things in depth – much more than the average person tends to do. And as much as I hate to say you’re both strong women (because I hate that emphasis has to be placed on the word “women”), you really are. I wish more women were like both of you because the world would turn into something spectacular if that was the case. You’re both kind, passionate, and inspiring. :)
… I feel odd now. But I’m a lover, and I mean everything I said.
How I see @DrasticDreamer – I see someone who’s intense and beautiful, who’s contradictory but steadfast – I see someone I would want to be seduced by if only to encourage her to move across the room to me aggressively.
I realize that this q has a very weird looping effect..and I want to say something about everyone, really…but then they have to say something about me and well, we already did me…so the next person should say something about @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard who, by the way, I see as funny and would love to have a coffee with.
I see @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard as clever… and a little bit mysterious. I don’t think we’ve ever spoken, but I am always drawn to your answers. You have this fascinating way of mixing sarcasm and depth that always comes off very clean. I think it makes you stand out, in a good way.
@TheOnlyNeffie a person with diversity! Think about it…who do you know that loves to watch boxing, into martial arts, and loves gardening! Now, that is diversity personified!
@BoBo1946 is someone that comes off as very positive and joyful. I don’t know you very well, but I “see you around” in the Fluther hallways, and if you could see me, I’d always smile and nod.
@ubersiren i’m smiling and nodding back and saying, goodnite my friend! Past my bedtime!
(back to Drastic Dreamer )
Stunningly beautiful, intelligent, warm-hearted (a lover indeed), and you seem to get it/people ( Yeah, you get it), a lot of wisdom there for someone in her early 20’s. I’d loved to sit and talk with you about so many things.
But, there is this sadness there behind those beautiful eyes.
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(Thanks, guys. Man, I blush, so I’m glad this isn’t in person!) :D
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I haven’t spoken with him much, but I imagine him to be much more mature than most guys his age, and disregarding his age, intelligent in general. I see him as a very laid back individual, but one who definitely sees and appreciates the “little things” in life. He would hold very interesting conversations, I think. Ones that would probably last hours.
(Skip me, too)
@jjmah smart, funny, sexy.
and dont we all have a crush on Fiddle Playing?? :):)
Yesss [too bad he really didn’t post his nekkid pix on the other threat] and on zenele and on several others
@anartist me, crushes?/ I’m just a single girl who wants to have fun.
@jazmina88 Is a lively, passionate young person, searching for a stable, meaningful place to make a home in this crazy world after finding a way to clear away the debris and learn to respect and love the person inside.
@jjmah , @Simone_De_Beauvoir, you have my respect and admiration for celebrating who you are and what brings you joy. Sometimes you seem to experience a level of joy so many others never attain.
@Dr_Lawrence is a smart fella. He always has kind words to say, too. Also, he’s a doctor, which means he helps people. And that’s a very good thing.
@Dr_Lawrence Is a smart compassionate man, whom I love dearly!!!!
About @Dr_Lawrence – an individual who is very developed intellectually and emotionally – I imagine him to be quite charming IRL.
About @boots – someone who is sometimes flighty but w/periods of intensity, scared and eager.
About @FutureMemory – I feel that we would really get along and be friends.
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@Simone_De_Beauvoir is a very cool person. I love zir passion about the things important to zim, and how active zie is in zir community. I also really admire zir relationship with zir SO.
Looked up the pronouns just for you!
@Facade…is a beautiful person both inside and out. She has amazing hair and her knowledge of beauty products knows no bounds. Very nice skin too. Her honesty is refreshing and I love that she doesn’t mince words. I think I would trust her in real life very much.
and her boyfriend is also beautiful. I have a man-crush on him.
The two above (Facade and Cookie lover):
Facade: Has her head on straight, is beautiful, intelligent, playful, she’s not afraid to say how she feels and she knows where she is going in life. It’d be fun to share a bong with her. :)
Cookieman: Grounded, stable, dependable, creative, and a wonderful Dad with a huge heart.
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@Facade :) and they’re ones I’ve never even heard of before, which is cool. I really appreciate, really appreciate the effort so many jellies put in in learning about these matters (and through PMs, many many PMs from many members) and learning pronouns – it really means a lot
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – always give interesting, thoughtful and thought-provoking answers. Unless sie is busy being funny. :~)
@cprevite You’re too sweet! You seem like a genuinely good man. I’ve known so few, and it’s nice to have made your acquaintance.
@jjmah You know I lurve you! You’re someone who is nurturing and kind (which I have experienced first hand), and who always gives her best to her friends. I appreciate you! and sharing a bong would be hilariously fun!
I’ve known Facade for a long time and while I may not have talked to her as much as I have to other people I’ve known for that long, I admire her very down-to-earth, real, straight-to-the-point way of writing. Every time I see her post, I know it’s going to be good. :)
@DominicX I’ve known you for a while too. What stands out to me most is how you don’t seem to let your very comfortable upbringing turn you into a brat. That’s always good to see. I love how you love life and having fun. You’re a great addition to the adult population in the US =)
@Facade I feel intelligence and respect oozing from you! I look forward to reading your well thought out posts. (I’m Val123, BTW, so I’m not exactly a stranger to you, :)
@Dutchess_III shares time inside the skin of Val123. She is smart, nurturing, supportive, inquisitive, a cunning linguist, sees the world with a unique visual sense and asks a wide range of well considered questions. She deserves multiple lifetimes to accomplish all her goals.
@Dr_Lawrence Well, how sweet is that! I’ll let Val123 know you said that!
Actually, with minor exceptions, I’ll be letting the Val123 go, and building from here. I just whipped Val out for a second to call a vote that I thought would be ignored if I asked for it with this account and only 843 points. :( But Val123 didn’t vote, cause that would be cheating!
@Dutchess_III Has been a friend for years now, back to the beginnings of – smart, funny and dare I say sexy?
The guy who truly cares about the community he belongs to, with a slightly but delightful dark side. It’s pretty heartwarming.
@Symbeline, is someone who I’d love to hang out with and write up a zombie survival plan. She’s probably cute too. Pretty funny as well. Damn… a complete package!
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I don’t know boots very well yet, but based on what he (?) said about me, there is a clear indication of a discerning mind.~
@zenele Why, thank you! And after all the contortions I go through to downplay sexy! :)
@Dr_Lawrence, intelligent, thoughtful, researches well, debates very well. Glad I met him.
zenele, asks like an 18 year old boy (likes to talk about boobs).
jimah – asks questions that have been in my head but I hadn’t gotten around to asking. Seems intelligent and fun!
This is a tricky, tricky question! If you post too many times people will think you’re fishing for compliments! So, can we make a rule that if you post little, like I am now, people don’t respond with compliment so we can come in and say other stuff?
@jjmah doesn’t play by the rules – and skips five people to mention my name plus boobs. Go figure.
@zenele Where are the Fluther police when you need them???!!!
And back on topic. ^ Is a great person, a really decent soul, always polite and friendly and I’m glad he’s a part of fluther. @Sarcasm – you be good jelly.
Someone who can often be relied on to bring some humour to a discussion.
Where’s @jjmah??????? New name?? :(
I’m back and under new management. =)
I was so scared, mama cakes…sooo scaaaredddddd
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