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LostInParadise's avatar

Do you know the significance of Queen Ann's lace?

Asked by LostInParadise (32286points) July 16th, 2010

Queen Ann’s lace is a common wildflower native to Europe that can also be found in the U.S. Some consider it invasive, but at my local wildflower preserve, it plays well with others. It has pretty white lacy flowers (picture ) but also closely resembles the highly poisonous native water hemlock. I recently learned the historical importance of Queen Ann’s lace. Do you know what it is?

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8 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Do you mean that it is the forerunner of the domestic carrot?

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

The crushed seeds were used as a form of birth control for over 2000 years.

gailcalled's avatar

And it blooms simultaneously and adjoining the wild blue chicory, making a beautiful combination on the roads’ edges. (It also resembles cow parsley.)

There is a beautiful crocheting pattern called Queen Anne’s Lace.

(I had to name my driveway for 911 issues: I chose Chicory Lane.)

LostInParadise's avatar

@marinelife , Yes that is it. Queen Ann’s lace was cultivated to increase the size of its edible taproot, which led to the development of the carrot. I am new to the study of wildflowers. It amazes me how much there is to learn of what at one time was common knowledge.

marinelife's avatar

@LostInParadise I love Queen Anne’s Lace. My door mat has a Queen Anne’s Lace pattern on it.

dynamicduo's avatar

I like Queen Anne’s lace. It’s very pretty and the bugs all love it and consequently leave my garden alone. It can be used to permanently dye protein fibers (wool, silk) a lovely yellow-green color.

However I do not like wild Parsnip (aka cow parsnip), which is in the same family but looks markedly different (yellow flowers, thick stalks, plus it’s massively tall). This plant can give you real nasty chemical burns if you get any of its liquid on you while outdoors (it reacts with the UV rays). And I just so happen to have a ton of it in my backyard, in fact in my veggie garden space. Yippee.

Likeradar's avatar

It’s my favorite flower, next to stargazer lillies. It makes me sad that people think of it as weeds… it reminds me of my childhood on Fire Island.
I had no idea that it was related to the carrot!

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@dynamicduo It certainly is a great companion plant to keep bugs off the veggies, them and marigolds that repel the nasties. I had a painful run-in with cow parsnip; mowing a field when they were at their juiciest, blisters on my arms and face.

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