Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Ever notice any weird juxtapositions between Fluther questions and siblings?

Asked by janbb (63363points) July 16th, 2010

Just chuckling because a Sibling to the current question “Any tips for a novice welder?” is “Anyone ever have a colonoscopy? Any advice?” Have you ever spotted any oddball siblings that didn’t fit in?

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11 Answers

chyna's avatar

Too funny! At least it wasn’t a roto rooter question and the sibling a question about a colonoscopy.

janbb's avatar

There was one a few years ago on taking care of ill parents or something with a sibling on roadkill that was hilarious but I can’t remember the exact question.

mattbrowne's avatar

Natural language software still has limitations.

janbb's avatar


zenele's avatar

This one’s siblings (for me, I guess – or everyone?) were about teenage songs, photobucket something and how not to be affected by negative people. Oo

chyna's avatar

@zenele Apparently we don’t have the same siblings. Mine are: Who is fond of Astrochuck, If Weezer made a song about Fluther how would it go, and Are there times when you find it difficult to take any question here seriously.

Fly's avatar

@zenele I have the same siblings as @chyna…the questions that you’re talking about are just on the front page, I believe.

janbb's avatar

I think they’re the “Newborns.”

zenele's avatar

Oops… they were the next activity immediately below this question.

To the right, siblings, a wundayata q about social/general; another daloon goodie, do you read the fluther greetings and astrochuck and weezer’s fluther song. Did they ever “make a fluther song?”

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Yes. Like the sibling for this one is “Who here is fond of Astrochuck.”

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