Social Question

HungryGuy's avatar

What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit?

Asked by HungryGuy (16044points) July 16th, 2010

What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit?

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11 Answers

Coloma's avatar

One difference is that rabbits are born helpless, naked and blind.

Hares are born fully furred with open eyes.

Austinlad's avatar

There’s more than a hare’s breadth difference:

Hares do not bear their young below ground in a burrow as do other leporids, rather in a shallow depression or flattened nest of grass called a form. Hares are adapted to the lack of physical protection, relative to that afforded by a burrow, by being born fully furred and with eyes open. They are hence able to fend for themselves soon after birth; they are precocial. By contrast, the related rabbits and cottontail rabbits are altricial, having young that are born blind and hairless.

zenele's avatar

This is the third in a row Social question about the difference between… just saying. It could be in General, or it could be Googled for an answer. What’s up – HungryGuy?

HungryGuy's avatar

Just having some fun…wondering how long it’ll take before they’re all “sent back to me for editing”

zenele's avatar

^ So be creative and ask an open ended question.

HungryGuy's avatar

I’ve used up my limit for the day :-(

zenele's avatar

^ You know that modding is a pain in the ass – and they have their hands full. If you are asking a series of questions quote waiting for them to be sent back, you are just asking for trouble – and worse – being a mean jelly to our friends the mods. It’s not anonymous – it’s either Auggie et al, or even Andrew himself working behind the scenes – tirelessly keeping the place nice and friendly. Hey, just I’m a handful – so there’s no need to add extra work. Agreed?

If you are unsure – try modding for a week.

mattbrowne's avatar

They are genetic cousins.

ucme's avatar

Same as the difference between a weasel an otter & a stoat. One’s weasely recognised & the otter’s stoatily different.

HungryGuy's avatar

@zenele – No. I don’t agree!

After all the heated arguments over censorship a month or so ago, I decided to give it a rest and just enjoy Fluther. But since you ask, the mods ARE heavy-handed and intoxicated on their power. They’ve eased up a bit, for which I’m grateful. But in the past, they’ve censored plenty of posts that AREN’T against the guidelines, just on their whim. They’ve SAID that they only censor thhings that violate the guidelines, but I and others have caught them red-handed in that LIE! Such as somebody asking about FPS style games and a mod censoring an answer NOT because of a guideline violation, but because of disagreeing what the definition of a FPS is. That’s nothing to do with the guidelines! That’s blatant, heavy-handed, drunk-on-power CENSORSHIP!

Now, if I was a moderator, I would enforce the guidelines, but NO MORE THAN THAT! And everyone would be happy. That was my complaint all along, but nobody would pay attention to what I was saying. They’d read into my words, “He hates the mods,” and then they’d turn off their brains for their angry replies to my criticism…

Now, YOU are the one who derailed my question and provoked this off-topic digression. I really didn’t want to attack the mods again after the dust settled from a few monts ago, but you provoked this response!

Your_Majesty's avatar

Rabbit is more well-commercialized as pet. There are variety kind of breed for rabbits but not for hares.

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