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Dutchess_III's avatar

If you could program your GPS to say whatever you wanted, what would it be saying?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) July 17th, 2010

Rick and I took a little road trip today, to a podunk little town about 50 miles away. He whipped out the GPS that I so stupidly bought for him last year ( I hate that woman!!), and programed it for our destination. Well, we DO know how to get from our house to the road three blocks to the north, that turns into the highway leading out of town. We also know that the best way to get there is to run about 10 blocks east first, before turning back north to get on the highway. Well, GPS woman was having a fit for those 10 blocks, because she kept telling us to “Turn left. Then take the third right,” over and over and OVER again for the length of the 10 blocks! I finally turned on my internal GPS and was saying things like, “Turn left. Then….” he passes another street. “Turn left!! Then….” again. “Turn left, dumbass! When you going to learn to listen to me!!”
“Turn LEFT damn it!!” and on and on, with the “real” GPS lady chiming in every three seconds. :)
He finally turned left and I said, “Take the third right. Can you count to three, dumbass??”
Well, then Rick poked my arm. I said, “What was that for?”
He said, “I turned you off.”
Well, hell. So I clamped my lips shut and vowed never to speak again. But, then when I wouldn’t answer a question he was asking me, he turned me back on and I resumed doing what women are programmed to do and that is to tell our husbands how to drive ‘cause they don’t do it right!!!
“Go straight. Go straight. Look out for that cow. Go straight.” He turned me back off. By this time we were out of town on the highway. There was an old car in front of us, driving very erratically. We passed him, and as I was watching him or her in the rear view mirror, that person actually swerved over into the oncoming lane for several seconds! I turned my self back on, reached for my cell phone and called 911. Can your GPS do THAT? :)

But if you could program it for your SO, what would it be saying? As noted, mine would use various forms of “dumbass.” :)

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12 Answers

Austinlad's avatar

”‘C’mon, Austinlad, do you really need to make this trip? Why don’t you stay home, stay cool and save gas?”

rebbel's avatar

-“Your right is the hand where the thumb sits on the left.”
-“C’mon, the traffic light doesn’t get any greener then this.”

Strauss's avatar

1st, I would not use it if I used the route, other than for curiousity.
2nd If I varied from the route I would have it programmed to sound like HAL in 2000:A Space Oddysey and it would say something like “I’m worried about your last turn, Dave.”
(My name is not Dave).

filmfann's avatar

“Your destination is 24,900 miles ahead of you, or 1 mile behind you. Whatever you prefer.”

Cruiser's avatar

Mine would say head east and floor it!! ;)

Berserker's avatar

I told you not to take that turn, dammit.

mattbrowne's avatar

Matt, you’re not in Kansas anymore.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL you guys!!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Dave, you idiot, do not fuck with me while your vehicle is in motion!

downtide's avatar

At one point I had a GPS which was narrated by John Cleese. It was brilliant. At the end of the journey he’d say something random – my favourite was “You have reached your destination. But if you think I’m going to carry your bags for you, you’ve got another think coming.”

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

<Bing> “Put foot to the floor, max acceleration cannot be achieved unless tires are smoking”, “Yellow light ahead increase velocity to 80mph before light becomes red.” “Do not proceed until light is ‘honking green’”. “No, we are not lost, we are temporarily misplaced, enjoy the drive.”

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