Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

The different forms of government and economic systems: Are there a few that just simply work best for our society, or do the myriad makeups of the various types of societies determine what systems are best for it?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) July 18th, 2010

Just wondering…....Because well… know, some feel ‘this is better than that’, but obviously what works for one country may not work for another, or may work better somewhere else etc.

I asked this as a social question because I am aware there is not a right answer, just looking for educated answers/opinions.

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10 Answers

CaptainHarley's avatar

The truth of the matter is rather more complex than many would have us believe.

Most of the factors which structure our social and economic systems are functions of each other. Child-rearing and educational practices lead people to have a particular set of expectations, which help to structure the type of society and economic systems we have. The type of economic and social systems we have help to structure education and child-rearing practices. And those are only two factors.

jerv's avatar

True Democracy only works in a small society. We have too many people over too much space to go that route, so that is impossible… until we develop some form of communication that allows for millions of people in diverse geographical locations to collaborate. Too bad such technology doesn’t exist.

One thing that most people overlook is that America is not a Democracy; we are a Republic. Other countries (notably the UK) have a Representative Democracy or some form of Parliament and it seems to suit them well; better than the system we have anyways.

As for economy, our society is too self-centered to allow any system other than what we have. The laws of cause and effect are a bit screwy on that, but I think it safe to say that we could take a few lessons from Western Europe on that front as well. If nothing else, they’ve been doing it for far longer than we have.

@CaptainHarley If by “complex” you mean “fucked up”, then I agree wholeheartedly.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’d just like to know what we could get to work in some of the underdeveloped (I hate the term, but third world isn’t any better) countries. It’s heartbreaking to see what the people face, when we have so much in other nations.

CaptainHarley's avatar

One of the most effective techniques for helping others “bootstrap” themselves are the so-called “micro loans.” It actually takes very little investment to start a small business, and the motivation is definitely there.

jerv's avatar

@CaptainHarley Yes, but there are many that would call that a subsidy and therefore un-American. If you can’t make it on your own (or, more likely, on your parent’s money, or their parents, or…) then tough shit!

Or are you saying that our current economic system is faulty as well? Many Conservatives are against paying for universal healthcare or subsidizing the poor (who are all crack addicts anyways) yet sees no problem taking taxpayer money for other things, like war in Iraq or Halliburton contracts.
Similarly, they see no problem with healthy people with insurance subsidizing sick people with their premiums, poor people subsiding rich people (many financial institutions made a huge chunk of their money from predatory practices). or making those of us without children subsidize public schooling, and they see it as more fair to make those with 35% of the income to pay 60% of the income tax than for the rich to pay even their fair share (which, truth be told, isn’t much more than they already pay and far less than they did pre-Reagan).

Whatever system is best is definitely not the system we have. And seeings how every other industrialized nation has either avoided the problems we have or outgrew them before our nation’s founding, I can’t help but think that they are onto something.

CaptainHarley's avatar

A plague on BOTH their houses. Scrap the entire bunch and start over!

jerv's avatar

@CaptainHarley If we don’t stop agreeing soon, I am going to go on a major multi-state crime spree under the impression that the world won’t last long enough for the law to catch me.

CaptainHarley's avatar

LMAO! Ahhh, shadduppp! : D

mattbrowne's avatar

No one has come up with something better than democracy and a social market economy. As for the future, well, the United Federation of Planets gave up the notion of money.

jerv's avatar

@mattbrowne Yes, but they also think nothing of sending anybody wearing a red shirt to their certain death either :P

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