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Kraken's avatar

What is your favorite online puzzle game and can you please post a link?

Asked by Kraken (1195points) July 19th, 2010

My favorite genre of online games is puzzles. I don’t do action, nor shooting and few sports. Mainly my wrists cannot take so much constant action and I would rather play an untimed game and if you can come up with a very nice and fun puzzle game online to play I would be very happy. I do have an account with Kado and my user name there is Kevisaurus. I like the 4 games a day max and how you get to advance, etc… I love puzzle games and if you could suggest a new one I would be very happy to see it.

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27 Answers

perspicacious's avatar

I like Bookworm (but I’ve been told I’m a little nerdy).

NaturallyMe's avatar

Not sure what kind of puzzles you’re looking for exactly, but i love word games. At this link i play the boggle game (it’s the first on the list of their most popular games on that page). But it’s a timed game…BUT!...maybe one of the other games on that list you would like more, i don’t think i’ve ever played any of them.

Kraken's avatar

@perspicacious Join the club I am a bit nerdy myself as well.
I think you have to pay for bookworm and that is why I never played it.

Kraken's avatar

@NaturallyMe Oh Snap girl! You had to go there of all places.
I know you are the master of that game but I challenge you to real life boggle as I am quite the wordsmith my self and my diction splices rife dim wits like a butter knife that has not been quenched in the pool of knowledge and reeks of rotten cabbage that has become the ravage of sotten beings that like things which are quite rotten and that sting your mind like a dim wit quote from the movie Idiocracy – the bureaucracy of twits and half wits which is truly hilarious.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Kraken – LOL! What on earth was that?! :D
Yes, i have a real life boggle game too….if only someone wanted to play with me….. SIGH!!!

NaturallyMe's avatar

Actually, i’ve found a fun game through FB games, but i don’t suppose you have an account there…it’s also a word game – you know, one of those that gives you a few mixed up letters and you must make as many words out of it as possible and make 1 or more words that use ALL the letters. That one’s also a timed game though.

Kraken's avatar

@NaturallyMe I would love to play with you :)
I would boggle your mind and your body :))))

Try Lingo
I got 2200 on hard: beat that Girl Friend!
No cheating or time here, just plain hard out wordsmithing.

perspicacious's avatar

@Kraken I haven’t played in a while but I always played it free on Yahoo.

Kraken's avatar

@perspicacious I gotta hand it to ya, the more you challenge your mind, the more nimble your mind will stay. That’s why puzzles are my favorite games. They challenge your mind yet don’t give you X-Box Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I’m way too old to play such childish games but I do enjoy a good fight game like Mortal Kombat or a sport game like Football.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Kraken – i’ll try it out Boy Friend!

Kraken's avatar

@NaturallyMe I like your tone sugar.

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Kraken – just to confirm, the game’s name is solingo?

Kraken's avatar

NaturallyMe yes it is

NaturallyMe's avatar

Well so far i’m on ZERO!

Kraken's avatar

@NaturallyMe Ooooh, Sollly sugar, you have been clowned!!!
I rock that game, yeah baby… deal with it!!
Now I bet that made you angry :)

Figure it out smart girl.

NaturallyMe's avatar

Nope, i not be angry just yet. But speaking of angry, do you remember this…:

<a href=“” target=“_blank”><img src=“” border=“0” alt=“Photobucket”></a>


Kraken's avatar

@NaturallyMe Snookums can you recompose that link please?

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BoBo1946's avatar

no puzzles…don’t do those, but do on line!

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Kraken – oops, let me try it like….....THIS! : link

You see it now? :D

Neizvestnaya's avatar and not puzzles but lots of options,

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Kraken Woo hoo! Looky here: link

Kraken's avatar

@NaturallyMe Are you online sweetie?

NaturallyMe's avatar

@Kraken – i am now, for a few minutes! Where you at? :)

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