Are men less considerate of women than they used to be in the past generations? What are your bad and good opinions on guys now?
Okay this time I am now asking for opinions! Honestly I think men/guys now are more…Pig-ish…I guess, if I said that with the right words. But they are more disrespectful, more aggressive, hell they lie a lot these days, they hurt women more now. And there is more it’s just not coming clear in my head. But I can’t really give any input on the after years of men since…well I wasn’t alive at the time haha. But yes what do you think of guys/men now to years back? Oh and also by the way that was all in my opinion it’s all debatable.
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17 Answers
I think you’re hanging with the wrong guys.
I don’t think it’s much worse. At least for spousal abuse. At least guys will get arrested for it now.
Way to generalize but I’ll bite: no, men are not less considerate…there are pigs in each gender and each generation. I don’t know what kind of idea of a ‘perfect guy’ you have in your head, it’s best to hope and find someone who treats you in an amazing fashion and not to fall into the trap of ‘all guys are this’ and ‘women are that’.
Yes… not many gentlemen like myself anymore!
Seriously, i was taught to open doors, say thank you, yes sir, yes ma’am, etc. Not sure if parents teach that as much as they use too. It is no reflection on the person, it is how a person was reared.
@BoBo1946 I have to disagree. I’ve got your manners right here, pal! I was taught to do that, too.
You hear about it alot more today. Abuse and disrespect of women have always been common throughout history but women were expected to be quiet and had little resources back in the day. I knew of several elderly ladies that went through hell with their husbands. Divorce was frowned upon back in the day as well, so many of these women stuck by their husbands anyway.
I’m not sure men are more piggish now… I’m pretty confident that women have a say in having sex in a lot more places in the world today than they did 400 years ago, 800 years ago, 1200 years ago.
I’m not saying that rape doesn’t happen in today’s world, I know it does (especially in certain places), but… If I had to be a woman, I’d rather be a woman now than in the past.
Maybe it appears that way because men are more likely to treat women like equals today than a delicate flower. After all, isn’t that what we’ve been asking for?
Even if that is true, some etiquette still exists. My fiancĂ© insists on walking on the side closest to the street when we walk hand-in-hand, my young nephews stand at their chair until all women are seated, and two strangers offered to carry two laundry baskets of books into the library when they noticed I was struggling with the weight. Even the rudest man I’ve met holds doors open and drops people off at the door before parking his car.
I can’t believe there has been any major changes since the ancient times. Men and women are just the same now as they have been throughout recorded history.
All of my sons, grandsons, and nephews are polite and show good manners.
less considerate = immature
I have to say yes.
You ladies are giving it up too easy and the men are taking it.
But, as @cprevite mentioned. Hang with the right men.
I don’t think they are purposfully less considerate but I do think they’ve had parents who put less importance on social graces, parents who feel social graces aren’t included in social progress. Aside from that, I’ve had great luck making the acquaintance of many wonderfully considerate men, I pay more attention to that kind than the others :)
There are so many factors to consider during the evolution of man, and woman, from the caveman to today. I think I see what Vincent is saying. As I observe young people today it seems that the majority of young men do not have the respect, manners and social graces that we grew up with. I agree with @BoBo1946 in that I don’t think they are being taught it on the whole. That being said we had plenty of young men that were pigs so to speak, but they had girl friends. I suppose the girls ok with it or were brought up in a family where these things weren’t important and that didn’t support self respect. I have also observed young ladies with a whole different attitude then the girls of my era towards young men. I guess to say the girls I dated demanded it and deserved it and I thought it was a privilege to take a girl out. As @ChazMaz put it the “ladies are giving it up too easy”. I work in the hopitality industry as an Events Co-ordinator and Executive Chef for a 1000 seat facility. We have had plenty of events with young people where their manners, both men and women, were impeccable and events where they weren’t. It was the young people that attended that sat the tone. So I think as mankind evolves so will our society, graces and all. Who knows maybe we’ll see another Elizabethan Era. Good luck to you Vincent and as @ChazMaz said “Hang with the right men” and treat the girls the way you think they ought to be! OK, I’m outta’ here, I’ve got a Tee Time.
I like to tease my hippie parents that their generation with the ideas of dropping so many things they deemed “elitist” kind of threw out the baby with the bathwater.
I can’t give a blanket answer. No; I don’t think men are less considerate or meaner than they “used to” be. Just as many nice guys and jerks as ever!
I have several friends from other parts of the US. According to them what we experience along the east coast especially in the north east IS NOT how women are treated in other pockets of the US. She mentioned specifically Arizona for example. She said you would never hear men there referring to a women as “my bitch” or “come here bitch” or use any of the derogatory sexual commentary that she constantly hears in the North east. We’d have to compare notes to see if this is the same experience that others are having. I personally think men have it difficult. They are in a transitional era wherein women are gaining equality and it’s often difficult for them to determine just what the new rules are. Some men resent the new order of things and are openly hostile or passive aggressive about it. But then I don’t usually hang out with those men or I just determine to charm the pants off them.
The men I know take their relationships very seriously and I think they treat women respectfully and kindly. @cprevite is right, hang out with better quality men. I think there is greater portion of men who recognize the stupidity of misogynist behavior than there used to be. There does not seem to be a consistent trend of with what it gets replaced.
But heck, unfair question. I think there is a general trend of entitlement and crankiness and indifference to others, no gender excluded, sorry. People are more direct and in a hurry about everything and that may seem aggressive. The urgent matters of their lives are an excuse for dialling back the humanity, and often a substitute for it.
It’s totally refreshing to encounter others who have “manners” and show a reasonable modicum of awareness of the other people around them. You know, kindness.
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