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Ltryptophan's avatar

Have we taxonified every species of bear in North America, or could there still be some unknown species?

Asked by Ltryptophan (12091points) July 19th, 2010

If we know all the bears wouldn’t it be extremely unlikely that there could be a bigfoot…

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5 Answers

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

It’s extremely unlikely that we would not know about a large land mammal at the top of the food chain. When we find undiscovered species, it’s usually of humble things like bladderworts or fruit flies. Occasionally, you’ll hear about small lizards, mammals, or birds.

The Bigfoot legend almost certainly relates to sighting of ordinary bears, or perhaps moose or other large mammals. If you’ve hiked in the woods, you know that your spatial orientation can get screwed up. Things can look more distant than they are, or closer than they are, or can appear to be something they’re not. I once encountered what I first thought to be a horse while singletracking in the woods – it turned out to be a big dog. Fortunately, it was just lost and very friendly.

Lightlyseared's avatar

How would we know that we don’t know something? We just have to be open to the possibilty that we don’t know everything.

jfos's avatar

@Lightlyseared How do you know that you know anything? (You’re welcome for the mindfuck.)

Lightlyseared's avatar

@jfos I know nothing. It was like that when I found it. There’s no way this was my fault.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Taxonomists haven’t taxonomized this bear species. I think natural hybrids that able to form its own population deserve to be called as new species. Evolution always has its own way.

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