Any Palin supporters ready to refudiate [sic] her yet?
Asked by
ETpro (
July 19th, 2010
Palinites—does Sarah’s recent neologism, “refudiate” push you to drop support of her? In a statement over the proposed Mosque near ground zero, she wrote: “Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn’t it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate.”
Later when challenged about the slip, she noted that Shakespeare made up words too. Than;s true, but not just obvious misspellings of already existing words. Personally, I repudiate that “refudiate” explanation. What do you think?
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35 Answers
I think someone who makes excuses instead of owning up to his or her mistakes is an ass. I see people right here on Fluther who gracefully acknowledge their typos or other mistakes. If we can do it, why can’t Sarah Palin (or anyone else, for that matter).
Everyone makes mistakes, but the way she chooses to try to cover her mistakes only makes her look worse.
I can’t stand Palin however I challenge you to ask 10 people around you to spell “SUCCESSFUL” without writing it down or typing it in.
She is human, she is going to make mistakes. The folks that want to hang on to those mistakes just sound full of ego to me.
She sucks for many other reasons than spelling errors.
I pray every night that she just goes away.
I can NOT believe she hasn’t dropped out of sight an buried herself in a snowbank in shame. She’s nuts.
Her supporters will argue it is a legitimate word and don’t need liberal elitists with all their college-thinking to tell them how to speak.
Remember she compared herself to god not that long ago too. No way you’ll ever convince a person like that they did anything wrong.
I am not a supporter and can not speak for them. It hurts my brain when I do think about how people blindly support this person. Sarah Palin has every personality disorder I can think of wrapped up in a pretty package.
Good or bad, that “Hockey mom” has done more to energize politics than any other politician I can think of in my 30+ years of voting. She got herself elected mayor and then governor of her state because she “knew” something was not right with the way things were being run. No easy feat any way you slice it. She got off her ass to do more than just hand wave and point fingers. I wish more people had ½ her moxie.
@Cruiser Yeah, and then she got off her ass and quit.
She’s an idiot and she frightens me.
@syz more hand waving accomplishes nothing.
She’ll never succeed in any bid for the white house, whether the position would involve sitting in the oval office or emptying the garbage cans. She is a complete fool, and everyone knows it.
I actually feel bad for John McCain – first the POW camp, then Sarah Palin.
@Austinlad, I share the sentiment, but you have to admit she was a gift-wrapped godsend to the Democratic campaign.
Despite my hatred of her, I want her and the Tea Party to stick around. It’s so much easier for Democrats to beat Republicans in the general elections when she/they are the only alternative.
@MissAusten & @judochop My thoughts exactly about the misspelling. I do it all the time, and when people call me on it I think them. I don’t compare myself to William Shakespeare creating a new word. But @judochop, what’s so touch about spelling SuckCessFull when you break it up into syllabuses like I did? :-)
@ETpro Try the “successful” thing in a room full of hob-nobs sometime. It’s pretty awesome.
Hob-nobs? I don’t understand the word as a reference to persons.
@Jeruba People who partake in the act of hob-nobbing
Never heard anyone use it that way before. But can’t anyone hobnob? Even good spellers? I spent yesterday afternoon hobnobbing with a bunch of writers, and I know some of them can spell.
I actually had a decent amount of respect for John McCain. Until he picked Palin as his running mate, that is. I’ve had bus drivers with more intellect that that lady. It’s terrifying how close such a buffoon came to having the nuclear codes.
@gorillapaws I had respect for McCain, and would have voted for him if it had been Hillary instead of Obama (not for policy, but for character) but he stopped being a maverick out of desperation several months before he chose Palin.
@Jeruba all I meant by it was to ask some folks next time everyone is hanging out. Friends preferably; writers, janitors, nuclear physicists, mailmen, English professors, professional basketball players, etc. You know, the usual group of hob-nobbers…And gosh darn-it Jeruba, if Palin can make up words can’t I?
@mattbrowne How about mostest dumber?
Palin never quits, In endorsing a Republican candidate in New Hampshire, she announced she was going to America’s largest Island, Alaska’s Kodiak Island, to brush up on her “momma grizzly” skills. Actually, America’s biggest island would be the Big Island of Hawaii, where Palin briefly went to school. She also that Republican candidate Kelly Ayotte, while the state’s Attorney General, successfully argued a case restricting Abortion rights all the way to the US Supreme Court and “won”. Actually, the Supreme Court sent the case back for review to the Federal Court that had found the law unconstitutional, and objections to the Constitutionality that court pointed out led to the law being rescinded.
I recently saw a clip of her on O’Reilly, where he was trying to ascertain her stance on illegal immigration. She basically states, after the idea being offered by O’Reilly, that amnesty be granted to all illegal immigrants who register, but they lose preferential treatment to “real” US citizens for jobs. Later, O’Reilly points out these new citizens would need work regardless and we’d need to find a way to employ them, so Palin then decides amnesty isn’t a good idea and they should all be deported. If you want me to find the clip, I will but am too lazy to find it without a request.
Take home message is she hasn’t thought it through and doesn’t have a real stance on the issue. She is not a thinker.
Sure, @judochop, anyone can, and people are free to take Palin as their model if they choose. I have a pretty good vocabulary, but I didn’t understand you, so I asked. Standard usages have the advantage of not requiring the extra step.
Palin won’t win the Republican primaries. Someone a lot smarter will refudiate her approach.
@mattbrowne I think she may well win the Republican Primary if the Party doesn’t stop lurching ever farther to the right. THey don’t see to realize that the consequence of leaning too far to the right is the same as leaning too far to the left. Either way, you fall clean over. And that’s what the GOP/Tea Party is in the process of doing. They may win seats in 2010 but I think they will nominate Palin or someone like here in 2012.
At least I can hope they do.
@ETpro Surely they can’t be THAT stupid, can they????? They should be refudiated if they do!!
@Dutchess_III After each new outrageous outburst from the new right, I think “Well, this has to be the absolute low-point of utter stupidity.” And the very next day, along comes and even crazier conspiracy theory. I keep thinking that there has to be a bottom somewhere.
@ETpro But…some of these people are educated and (I thought) intelligent people. How can they be so blind? What are they thinking?
How dumb does she make our nation appear? So embarrassing.
There seems to be a growing number of Republican voters who think countries should be run by normal people. They seem suspicious of people with degrees from Harvard. Being intellectual sounds negative to them. Well, here’s my solution
If they need heart surgery they got two options
1) Intellectual package
2) Non-intellectual package
Package one means they get Obama as President and a surgeon with a Ph.D. from a reputable university
Package two means they get a normal person like Palin as President and a normal person doing the surgery (Joe Plumber perhaps?)
I wonder what they will pick. I know what I pick. We need the people who are best qualified for a job. But some Republicans seem to refudiate this approach. Well, good luck with your open-heart surgery. Prayers might help, although I think God gave people a brain for a reason.
Wait wait! Didn’t Palin resign from politics to spend more time with her family a while back, because God told her to? Did God change His mind or something? I didn’t think God did that….
@Dutchess_III No, she resigned from the Governorship, although she had problems articulating why in her speech – something about passing the ball when it’s appropriate to… But she didn’t quit politics, and I think she quit at least in part so she could do speaking gigs and interviews and not be bogged down by those pesky duties jobs have.
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