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Blackberry's avatar

Are there any problems with slight pacifism?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) July 19th, 2010

I don’t know if ‘pacifism’ is the right word, but sometimes I get flak from people because I don’t feel the need to be aggressive in certain situations. I tell some testosterone-ridden friends of mine that I will not help them in bar fights if they start them, I feel I should not have to defend a s/o if she starts a fight with someone etc. I see no reason to escalate a situation or have a shouting match with someone over some trivial matter, if you can drop it and walk away, I will do it.

I have always seen fighting for any reason other than self-defense as ignorance (ironic, being in the military). Is this too naive or unrealistic, or is there a point to being aggressive sometimes?

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22 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Be like the Quakers. They have been very successful, and they call it “non-violence.”

Coloma's avatar

Yep, many philosophies support a non-aggressive approach to aggression.

I agree.

Short of a serious need for self defense it is best to sidestep a pull towards aggression.

Blackberry's avatar

@gailcalled Aren’t quakers religious? If so, no thanks lol.

Coloma's avatar


Buddhism is not a reliogion and the practices advocate non-violence and causing no harm.

The peaceful warrior approach.

meatheadbox's avatar

The next time you are in such a situation, ask yourself this question, what would Gandhi do?

Cruiser's avatar

I completely agree about the fighting for anything other than self defense or slap fights! Slap fights I consider foreplay… with a woman of course!! ;)

gailcalled's avatar

@Blackberry: The Quaker articles of faith and practice, at least in the East, are simple. One hour a week for meeting for worship, which is simply sitting quietly in a plain meeting house with hard benches. If anyone is moved to stand up and speak (briefly), he or she can. Non-violent solutions for all problems. Be simple in dress and socially active in deed.

There is also the belief that there is a little of G*d (however the individual may choose to define that term) in each of us.

As a Jew, I loved being in a Quaker school and so did my kids. Imagine 400 high school students sitting quietly and without fidgeting for 50 minutes for one period a week. Birthright Friends, African-Americans, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, Christians, a nice hodge-podge. There was even a Gay Students’ Union decades before it was acceptable out in the world.

They were, by and large, very successful financially and very generous. We had a huge scholarship program and a very substantial annual giving program.

Blackberry's avatar

@gailcalled Interesting, that is great of them to be so tolerant, too bad that religion did not spread instead of the christianity today.

gailcalled's avatar

There are Friends’ schools, colleges and Meetings for Worship all over. If nothing else, it is a nice way to meet people if you have moved to a new community. Note that I said “Faith and Practice.” It is really an attitude and a way of life.

They also treated men and women equally long before others took note of that issue.

stardust's avatar

I agree with your pacifist ways :) There really is no need for violence or aggression.

downtide's avatar

I don’t see any problem with it at all. There is already enough violence in the world, there’s no need for thee and me to add to it.

TexasDude's avatar

Don’t hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

—Theodore Roosevelt

Blackberry's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Oh yeah, when I have to, I hit hard…with words…

TexasDude's avatar

@Blackberry, that’s usually useful. I guess to expound upon my answer, I should say that you should use every possible alternative to solving conflicts before resorting to violence, but if you have to, be absolutely ruthless. You don’t play to lose, right?

That said, bar fights and picking random fist fights is absolutely retarded. I think you’ll be okay though. You seem to have your stuff in line.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

The famous expression:
Discretion is the better part of valour means that it is better to be careful and think before you act than it is to be brave and take risks.

YARNLADY's avatar

None at all.

Pandora's avatar

Its call presevation and standing up for what is right. In the examples you have given, I never believed a person should fight from a stupid cause. To defend your self is one thing. To enter a fight or to stand up for someone who was being an ass is beyond stupid. I simply don’t believe in stupid.
However if someone misbehaves (acts aggressive or acts disrespectful) towards someone I love and it was uncalled for than I will side with my love one. Even if they were in the wrong. They to can walk away and not be nasty towards the other person.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t know how the world works, but if pacifism isn’t the answer, aggression isn’t it any more, either.
If people wanna start shit, let em. You’re wise not to get involved.

MercurySunrise's avatar

o.O That seems pretty reasonable. I know what you mean, most of my friends are over-aggressive and dramatic and I find being that way just annoys me. You don’t seem passive, you are just laid-back and prefer not to fight over stupid shit that makes no sense. Don’t cha worry :D

mattbrowne's avatar

There are problems with not having at least a touch of pacifism.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Pacifism is hot.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Ain’t “slight pacifism”!

It’s “not being a damn fool!”

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