Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Do you change your desktop images according to the season?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) July 19th, 2010

I favor spring images in springtime and autumn images in autumn.

But when it’s really hot, I want to cool off with ocean pictures. In the chill of winter, I like a toasty fire.

How do your desktop images reflect the season and the weather? Have any links to share?

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9 Answers

bob_'s avatar

No, on my desktop, it’s always summer.

Piper's avatar

Yeah I do haha

I always have an ocean or beach picture during the summer and I have a snow scene during the winter.

Right now this is the picture I’m using (it’s pretty big!):

augustlan's avatar

My desktop is as plain as I can possibly make it. Just a solid color in the background, all icons centered on the screen in a perfectly aligned grid pattern. It never changes at all. Too much visual ‘clutter’, and I can’t think properly. Now, my actual desk is another story. It’s a mess! Somehow, I’m able to ignore that. I know. I am weird.

downtide's avatar

I have Windows 7 now which allows for cycling desktop images. So I have about 12, all screenshots from my favourite computer “game”.

jrpowell's avatar

I keep things simple. My second monitor is actually worse.

aprilsimnel's avatar

No. I usually look for Beatles or London-themed wallpaper.

My current one.

Linda_Owl's avatar

I change my desktop images almost everyday – it gets boring looking at the same thing day in & day out.

mowens's avatar

We had this intern, that no one liked. His name was Todd, he lied all the time, and managed to alienate the entire office.

I used to change my background to different things to make fun of him on a daily basis.

I know that makes me seem like an asshole, but I assure you he was no innocent.

christine215's avatar

@mowens you’re my hero!

I don’t ususally change per season, more on whatever whim I have, if someone sends me a really nice pic from vacation I’ll use that, or if I’m in need of serenity I’ll find something appropriate

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