General Question

youWISHyouknewME_152's avatar

More guy advice.

Asked by youWISHyouknewME_152 (43points) March 20th, 2008 from iPhone

(this is a different guy) so there is this guy that I liked, then he moved and came back. And now I like him again. And its really obvious that I like him and he knows I do. Then he asked me to go to this play with him, and we didnt know if he meant it as a date or not. So last weekend I asked him to go to the movies with me and he said yes. But then he came to school Friday with a black eye and told me he couldn’t go. Little did I know that his dad had commited suicide that night. So I wanted to call him and apologize but I didnt want to say the wrong thing. So I was talking to my friend and she said that he liked me and said that he only talks to me in some classes and acts different around me. And I said he didnt because he knew that I liked him and if he did like me he woulda asked me out. And she said that he did ask me to the play. She said that she was gonna ask him if he liked me but I said it was a bad idea. So idk what to do, help!!!!

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9 Answers

cwilbur's avatar

So he knows you like him, and he asked you on a date, and he cancelled because his father committed suicide last weekend.

Give him space. He has more important things to worry about now than high school romance drama. Be friendly to him, and when he’s ready, he’ll ask you out again.

sfgirl's avatar

I just got dizzy reading that question.

But in response to it, I completely agree with cwilbur. The best thing you can be to him now is a friend and leave the whole relationship confusion for now…

youWISHyouknewME_152's avatar

well really, I knee that I shouldn’t bring that up now. This is all for future references. Its just wrong to go after someone when they are vulnerable (I.e. Mean girls) I’m a better berson than that

0o_Niques_o0's avatar

I agree with all others before me. ^^
The guy probably has a bit much on his plate right now. The best thing you can do is just be there for him if he needs someone to talk to.
hope everything works out!!

scamp's avatar

I agree with the others as well. At this point the only thing you should do is help him get though the death of his Father. This is a horrible shocking thing he is dealing with and he is not going to snap out of it any time soon. I don’t think you meant to, but your post came across as kind of selfish. Think of him first right now. What you want can wait until he is ready, and only then.

youWISHyouknewME_152's avatar

it wasn’t meant as selfish. You guys are kinda attacking me. Its not like things weren’t just as sad for everyone else. My family knew his dad, and I cried when I found out. I know that if I am not over it by now, then he obviously won’t be. And also he doesn’t want to talk about it, so if he does want to then he can cause I am open. But I find that if people start saying I’m sorry it makes you feel worse. So we try to keep it normal till he wants to talk about it.
So you guys can stop harassing me bout this cause that’s not even the situation.

scamp's avatar

I didn’t mean what I said as an attack. I said I didn’t think you meant to come off that way. I simply answered your question according to the information you gave. Just let him have some time to get through this, and if you help him, he will never forget you for it.

Besafe's avatar

Just be there for him. Being present and understanding with out having a pity party will be a lot more help to him than any words you can give him. Date or no date – if your with him does it really matter if it is a date? If he want to go out go – if not just enjoy any time you can spend together. Good relationships are not dependent on having dates.

Zaku's avatar

Perhaps just be nice to him and don’t bring up dating till he seems to be more or less recovered enough to start dating. Also consider he might feel hurt if you go out with someone else before then. Seems like it’s actually an opportunity to connect with him in a more honestly caring way, without the typical noise and selfishness of teen dating.

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